On tuesday, March 7th, 2017 took a place at the Auditorium Building Widya Sabha Campus Bukit Jimbaran, Udayana (Udayana) received a visit from SMA YPS South Sulawesi Soroako and SMAN 1 Donorojo Jepara, Central Java. The visit coprised 92 participants of the YPS Soroako high school students and 220 students of SMAN 1 Donorojo. Bureau Chief of Academic Cooperation and Public Relations, Drs. IGN Indra Kecapa, M.Ed received the group was accompanied by Head of Academic Facility, I Made Budiastrawan, S. Kom, MM. The visit of SMA YPS Soroako was the third visit to Udayana, while SMAN 1 Donorojo was the first time of visit to the Udayana University.

The representatives of SMA YPS Soroako, Hermawan said that the visit to campus is an annual program of the school. YPS Soroako High School is a special school established mining companies to fulfill the wishes of the parents so that their children do not need study outside Soroako after graduating junior high school. Currently there are several alumni of Udayana University who worked on the holding company that manages SMA YPS Soroako. Through this visit YPS Soroako High School wishes to work more closely with Unud in industry and other academic fields.

While the representatives from SMAN 1 Donorojo, Aris said that every year SMAN 1 Donorojo visits to the campuses in Java, and a visit to Bali in particular to Udayana University. it was the first visit to the campus outside Java. He also noted that the aims of field trips to Bali which provided a reference for students of classes XI to learn more about Bali island as well Udayana University. The educational programs were offered so that in time could set a goal to pursue higher education. It was also desirable than through the visits, to introduce Unud to the students of SMA1 Donorojo, to be mailed brochures, profiles and other information so that in the future students may have the interest to continue their education at the Udayana University.

Bureau Chief of Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations in his speech said about the various advantages of Udayana University, and introduce more about life in college. Head of the Bureau hopes students can be prepared as early as possible so that one day they already have an idea to enter college and the best program will be selected by them. It is also hoped that after the visit to the Udayana University, SMA YPS students from Soroako and SMAN 1 Donorojo have their own interests to pursue higher education at the Udayana University.(PR)