Unud Goes to Palu, Sulawesi Tengah
Palu, 26-27 Februari 2017
University of Udayana delegation consisting of Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. DVM. I Made Damriyasa, MS, The Head of Doctoral Study of Agriculture, Doctoral Study of Environment, The Head and Secretary of Doctoral Study of Engineering Science, The Head of Magister program in Food Science and Technology and the Secretary of Magister Program in Animal Husbandry carried out a visit to Palu, Central Sulawesi, on 26-27 February 2017. The activity is carried out in order to "Socialization and Promotion Program for Magister and Doctoral Program" and it aimed to establish the cooperation in various sectors in the field of education and research in an effort to realize the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. The socialization implemented in two different places at the University Tadulako and the Office of the Governor of Central Sulawesi.
The Socialization at the University Tadulako (UNTAD) was facilitated by the International Office of UNTAD and held in the International Office Building. It was attended by two other colleges, they were STIKES Widya Nusantara Palu and Muhammadiyah University in Palu. The team of Unud was accepted by the Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs UNTAD, Prof. Dr. Sutarman Yodo, SH., MH. UNTAD highly appreciated the arrival of the Udayana University team and look forward to build further cooperation in the field of research and publications on all study programs and student exchange. The team also visited the Postgraduate Program UNTAD and had a meeting with the Director, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Fathurrahman, MP. During the meeting the two sides discussed cooperation of academic fields, especially on external examiner for doctoral program.
On the visit to the provincial government of Central Sulawesi, the team of University of Udayana was accepted by Expert Staff of Law and Politics Moch Hidayat with the entire SKPD of the Provincial Government of Central Sulawesi. During the meeting, the team discussed a lot about the issues of strategic and priority programs that can be collaborated with the Udayana University. Considering the tourism improvement in Bali is grwing rapidly compared to other areas, the Central Sulawesi provincial government is very interested in cooperation in the field of tourism at Udayana University in the development of tourism in Central Sulawesi. (PR)