Student Affairs 2017 Meeting of Student Government Executive Board, University of Udayana

Materal Presentation from the Head of Academic Cooperation and Public Relations, Drs I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa, M.Ed (left); the Head of Student Affairs, Ir I Wayan Pasgun (center); the Vice Rector III, Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH (right)

Bukit – Jimbaran. A meeting activity had been implemented by the Student Affairs 2017 under the theme of "Consolidation Planning and Management to Improve Student Activities Building Synergies in Udayana". This event was held on Friday, February 24th, 2017 and located at the Bangsa Room, Rectorat Building of Udayana University. The meeting was attended by the Vice Rector of Student Affairs, Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Vice Rector of Public and Finance, Vice Rector of Planning and Public Relations Bureau Chief Academic, the Head of General Affairs and staffs, the Head of Student Division, the Head of Planning and Finance, Builder Unit, the Development Working Students Unit, and other invited guests.

The event began with the speech from I Komang Arta as the President of the Students. In his speech, he expressed his gratitude for the presence of the guests, who already presented there; and due to the presence, it became the proof that they had the same concerns about the existing problems in Udayana University that they have to face together and think together.

"We are a great university and the oldest in Bali. We have ORMAWA and stakeholders, which are very large, so it is necessary to have the synchronization to be implemented for the better Udayana. We as students of Udayana fell very proud that the Rector of Udayana University openly received in audience for us to convey our expectations," said Komang Arta Yasa.

The participants who attended the Meeting of BEM-PM Udayana University

Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH, in this occasion, delivered the meeting, which held this morning, was a meeting of the shareholders which in this case is the entire student activities whether it was as a protector, advisory, leader or the committees of the activity later , Let us think for a moment, shows the retreat is intended to consolidate, which consolidated antecedent mean how we can synchronize the sound planning of the activities of students in order to increase synergies build in Udayana University. I would very much hope eventually to this event, that it has the benefit and basic guidance on how this activity is going well and properly.

The material presentation in the Meeting was presented by Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH in the first session, Ir. I Wayan Pasgun in the second session and Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa, M.Ed in the third session. The presentation of the material included the management of student activities to promote synergies in building Udayana. It was moderated by I Komang Aprigiana.

According to Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH about the management of activities related the student activities, he expressed firstly in terms of management or human resources from students at Udayana, in global developments, it focuses in its quality. It is also necessary for the competence in a global competition that inevitably should be followed. Secondly, the management of student activities need to be understood in the sense that they are implementing in addition, also need to know basis and foundation in activism. Furthermore, it is necessary to see the quality of students on how they follow the activities to improve soft skills, character, and personal capabilities because it is necessary for the need of transformation and implementation of science in society, which later on and push themselves to the development of character. (mimi)