Accompaniment of Making a Development Proposal of The Udayana University Hospital

On Wednesday, February 22th , 2017 at the Aula of Udayana University Hospital, conducted the event of  Proposal Preparation Assistance Building Hospital of Unud which included the construction of Nursing Home buildings. This event was attended by the Supervisor Board of BLU Unud, Mr Hari Purwanto who was also a Senior Advisor for Infrastructure of Kemenristek Dikti, Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD, Deputy Rector II, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ketut Budi susrusa, MS, Deputy Rector IV, Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, Ph.D, Director of the RS Udayana University, Dr. dr. RA Tuty Kuswardani, MARS, the Team from Kemenristek Dikti, Ernst & Young (EY) Consultant and Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee (PT.PII). This activity began with the speech from Rector of Udayana University and then continued with the presentation of the Director of Unud Hospital, the presentation of the redesign Team, Mr. Gomudha, explaination from team of EY consultants and the team from the Kemenristek Dikti which is finally closed with a discussion.

Rector of Udayana University in his speech for this event concerned for the future of Udayana University Hospital as one of the hospitals that were developed for the education and care as well as one of the hallmarks of Udayana University. After several meetings with Kemenristek Dikti with the ADB, the EY consultants and also PT PII, agreed to make a proposal funded by ADB through EY consultants. Rector of Udayana University said that the university has set aside the budget for the redesign and construction of the hospital building, and through this proposal are expected to support the funding hospital equipment and research tools at once build the nursing home that it characterizes the tourism flagship hospital.

On the same occasion, Deputy Rector IV, Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, Ph.D  said that the team will assist in making proposals of Unud hospital construction and it is expected to be completed in May 2017. After the proposal is resolved, then be proposed to Kemenristek Dikti or the government to look for sources of funding. Furthermore, the proposal is expected to be offered by the government to the sources of funding, and if it approved, the project will run as it should. The fund which is provided, it is borrowed funds. Unud in this case given legal protection to carry the soft loan interest was very small. Sources of funds for repayment will be set aside from earnings hospital annually. Deputy Rector  IV expects this proposal to be completed and managed to get funds so that every hospital needs can be met.(PR)