A Visit of SMA Negeri 1 Indramayu

Atmosphere of the activity when Bureau Heads of Academic, Cooperation, and Public Relation explained about Udayana University

Udayana University got a visit from SMAN 1 Indramayu on February 16, 2017, at Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran. This activity aimed to introduce Udayana University to the high school students who will continue their studies to the University. It was attended by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, SpPD-KEMD, Bureau Heads of Academic, Cooperation, and Public Relation, I G N. Indra Kecapa as well as teachers of SMAN 1 Indramayu.

The explanations explained to the high school students were the introduction of Vision and Mission of Udayana University, introduction about 13 faculties at Udayana University, explanation about the path of freshmen admission, scholarships, scope of Udayana University including the dormitories, excellence of Udayana University, and other information about Udayana University.

One of the students of SMAN 1 Indramayu asked a question in the question and answer session

This visit was followed by 346 students in grade 11 from the department of Mathematics and Science (MIPA) and Social Studies (IPS). The students were accompanied by approximately 20 teachers. It was the first time for SMAN 1 Indramayu to visit Udayana University. In addition to the explanations about Udayana University that were delivered by I G N. Indra Kecapa, there was also a question and answer session directed by the moderator, I Made Budiastrawan. The question and answer session that invited three questioners of the students who attended this activity asked some questions related to the learning in Udayana University in creating jobs, student admission system by using non-academic certificate obtained, and accreditation of International Relation Study Program. (naristadevi)