Led representative i.e. Vice-chancellor 2 (far left), Deputy Retor 3 (middle), and Vice-chancellor (far right) before initiating interactive dialogue sessions

Denpasar-Rabu (01/02), Government of the Student Representative Council University of Udayana. University students held an activity called the appointment of Rector who functioned as a two way dialogue activities between students and the University moved into a party. Aside from the students and led, this event was also attended by representatives of the Dean 13 existing Faculty Udayana University surroundings. Activities that lasted about 4 hours it starts at 13.00 WITA and begins with the traditional dance of Bali.

This time the Rector of events implemented with some agenda that has been designed by the Managing Committee. First on the agenda this time activities i.e. Liability Report of activities undertaken by the Chair of the Student Representative Council the period 2016 Gede Oki Saputra. Then the second agenda is the handover of Office Organization of Government students at Udayana University, in this case, namely the Student Government's student representative Council University Student Government Executive Board and student of Udayana University.

The handover between the Office of the President of the student of the period 2016 to the President elected student period 2017

On the agenda of the governmental organizations position handover students carried out the transfer of leadership of the student representative Council the period 2016 led by Gede Oki Saputra told the leadership period 2017 i.e. Gede Yuda Kamajaya.Then proceed with the transfer of the post of executive body of Student Government Student service work Cabinet has integrity the dipimpn 2016 Udayana by I Ketut Mahendra Agus as President of the old student to the Cabinet We Udayana 2017 that led by I Komang Arta Yasa as President of students elected to 2017.

And the Agenda of the last (the core Agenda) on this show is the interactive dialogue between the party and the party moved mahaiswa Udayana University. In the dialog this time, moved into a party represented by Vice-chancellor 2 (Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Budi Susruasa, MS), Vice Rector (Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH), and Vice-chancellor (Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, Ph.d). The activities of this dialog is implemented as a means of filtering the aspirations of students against the University campus. On this dialog are prefixed with penjelaskan led party subject to performance refers to a student satisfaction survey results have been implemented by the Student Representative Council period 2016. Then at the last session of the series of events that is two way; a sessions conducted by the students and led to representation. (arisugama)