Photo session after official handover in Udayana University

Bukit-Jimbaran.  Held on Tuesday January 17th 2017 and taking place in Nusa Room of Rectorate Building, the meeting of handover was done. Vice Rector of Student Affairs, Vice Deans of Student Affairs, Chief of Academic Bureau for Public Affairs and Cooperation, Chief of Student Development Units, Chairman of Student Representative Councils, President of Udayana University Student Executive Board, and other invitees attended the meeting.

Opened by the former official's speech, the meeting was followed with the speech of the new chief of Student Affairs and continued by Udayana University Vice Rector of Student Affairs, Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, S.H., M.H.. In the end of the meeting, then, the handover was done from the alumni to the new official.

The former official, Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa, M.Ed, who was the Chief of Student Affairs Bureau, was transferred - becoming Chief of Academic Bureau for Public Affairs and Cooperation. His opening speech expressed how both good and bad he experienced along his obligation as a Chief of Student Affairs. However, he added, the handover was not something everyone should see from negative viewpoint and still it was a positive opportunity. Transferring to Public Affairs and Cooperation Bureau meant a new challenge. He who was in department for student service and softskill development, had to face hardskill in academic department, in which it meant new role, new skill, and new tools.

“I also would like to appreciate and thank, especially to students, friends in Student Affairs Bureau (Head of Divisions and staffs), Student Affairs retainers, Rector of Udayana University, Vice Rector of Student Affairs, and all parties for supports and cooperation. I hope in the future everything is going to be even better and success,” said Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa, M.Ed..

The new Chief of Student Affairs Bureau, Ir. I Wayan Pasgun, expressed his thank for the trust given to him. With a clear execution of duties, he as a new chief hopefully could be able to continue the previous, current works, and any deficiencies will be followed up. He also hoped for supports and cooperation from all parties, especially Student Affairs Department from either university or faculty, also he hoped for insights and instructions from Vice Rector of Student Affairs.

Student Administration Bureau (BAK) activity report of 2016 and work plan of 2017 handover

“I congratulate Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa, M.Ed. and Ir. I Wayan Pasgun in carrying out new duties. From bureaucracy ethics aspect, every change should be accepted because every responsibility bears burden. Every person has ups and downs but we have to think positively. Every goods in people have amount of ­90% to 95% and the rest of 5% makes the difference. In order to make everything better, being cooperative and supportive in every activity are the way. Try not to do anything risky and contradictive which might be not good to everyone. Therefore I encourage to all parties in doing every activities later to be carefully aware of risk-management such as letter of statement availability,” said Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, S.H., M.H..

The Vice Rector also talked about the budgetary funds ins and outs, hoping in the future amount of funding can be raised or the current budget's use can be maximized. Also, budget outcome should be used according to priority for every activity. As a beginning, Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa, M.Ed. was expected to be a mentor mainly for preparation of National Student Science Week and Student Creativity Program (Pimnas PKM). We expect to be well-coordinated, also we hope to find new information through intense student activity and in the future the solidarity of the forum can be improved. (dessrimama)