Visit of Senior High School of Senopati Sedati Sidoarjo

Monday, 16th January 2017 Udayana University received a visit from SMA Senopati Sedati Sidoarjo. Campus Study entourage numbering 135 people consisting of 120 students and 15 teachers escort arrived at the Rectorate Building Udayana University at 10:00 AM and accepted in Bangsa Room 3rd Floor Rectorate Building Bukit Jimbaran. The delegation, led by the Principal as well as the Chairman of the entourage Drs. Syukrul H. Amin, M.Pd.I received by the Head of Bureau of Academic, Cooperation, and Public Relations Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa, M.Ed. and was accompanied by the Head of General Bureau, Drs.Ketut Amoga Sidi.


After a welcome from the Head of Bureau, followed by a speech from the Chairman of the delegation whose contented intent and purpose of visit to the Udayana University is to get to know the  Udayana University in particular to all participants Study Campus which incidentally is Class XII which will soon continue their study to University. Tutorial and explanation later given by the Head of Bureau about profile of Udayana University as faculties and study programs at the university, the types of scholarships to the track selection into the University.


The next session is question and answer session moderated by the Head of Academic Support Sub-division, I Made Budiastrawan, S.Kom., MM. Many questions raised by the participants both by students and teachers. Frequently Asked Questions is the availability of boarding facilities for students who come from outside Bali. There were also asked about the requirements to be able to get a Bidik Misi scholarship for prospective students who are from poor families. The other question is about the prospects or employment opportunities in graduates of the Faculty of Tourism has given that SMA Senopati having specialization in Tourism. All these questions are answered clearly by the Head of Bureau. Seemed all Campus Study participants were very satisfied with the answers given by him.



The last session is memento-handover session from both sides. At the time of closing the Head of Bureau expressed his gratitude for the visit of Senopati Senior High School and hoped on the good over the years can come back to the Udayana University.

