National Seminar on Language and Culture: English Political Command of the Cultural Dynamics in Auditorium Widia Sabha Mandala Udayana University Faculty of Arts

Denpasar- Standing in the spirit of the 54th Anniversary Udayana University, Faculty of Arts held a National Seminar on the theme Language Political Power in the Cultural Dynamics. The national seminar lasted for two days, i.e. Friday and Saturday 7th to October 8th in the auditorium Widia Sabha Mandala Faculty of Arts. The seminar was opened by Prof. Dr. Ni Luh Sutji Bratha as the dean of Faculty of Arts and it was attended by students, faculty, and professor from Faculty of Arts Udayana, UGM, and UNDIKSA.

The National Seminar was welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts; according to the use of the language of international, national and local languages, it is essential in building the character of the Indonesian nation because the language is becoming a key staple in building relationships in the era globalization. At this time many speakers in the national seminar presented and poured his thoughts in the form of material presentation orally and in writing. Submission of any material is varied, such as class or FGD system. Each class was consisted of three presenters and ten participants joined in a discussion group. The speaker-presenter on the national seminar is Professor of UGM like Prof. Dr. Faruk, S.U., Professor of Undiksa, Prof. Dr. Nengah Bawa Atmaja, M.A., Professor of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Pastika, M.S., as well as lecturers from Faculty of Arts, Udayana University.

"It is hoped that through this national seminar, it can provide new ideas for facing the linguistic matters which is happening in Indonesia. The widespread use of foreign languages in the Indonesian language will affect something bad, and if there is no one cares about it, Indonesian will gradually diminishing, as in Papua which is more familiar with English than in their own national language." Said Prof. Dr. I Wayan Pastika, M.S., one of the professors of Faculty of Arts in Udayana University. (mimi)