Pekan Raya Udayana Become Build the Sense of Family

One of the Scenes in Defile Competition in Raya Udayana (committee)

In order to celebrate the 54th Anniversary of Udayana University, the rank of Udayana students held Pekan Raya Udayana which has become a tradition in every year. The event was held on 25th of September 2016 which was opened by singing Indonesia Raya and Hymne Udayana. Furthermore, it was opened by a speech delivered by the Chairman of the 54th Anniversary, the Student President, and Vice Rector representing the Rector of Udayana who symbolically opened Pekan Raya Udayana.

Pekan Raya Udayana was held in Parking Lot Agrocomplex, Udayana, Sudirman. Attended by some invitations that include the whole range of Head of Administration in the university, Chairman of the 54th Anniversary of Udayana University from the ranks of the Rector, Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Student Government Udayana University, President of the Executive Board of Student Government Udayana University, the Leader of Student Executive institutions, the BEM Governor, BEM Chairman, Chairman of the Senate Faculty in the university.

The purpose of the Pekan Raya Udayana is to unite the rope of familial bond between the communities of Udayana. As presented by Yandhani, as the Chairman of the 54th Anniversary, that the Pekan Raya Udayana is packaged to be able to invite the entire academic community in Udayana in order to introduce ourselves to get to know each other and proud to be part of Udayana and build a spirit of brotherhood. So that through this event, it is not to dispute, but to build a family and proud to carry the name of Udayana alma mater in the arena of local, national, and international levels.

In this Pekan Raya Udayana, the peak of series of events was presented to welcome the 54th Anniversary of Udayana. The competitions that became the peak of the series of events were Defile and Contemporary. All faculties in Udayana Unversity sent their best tributes to participate in this activity. Defile competition became the opening event of the peak event in 54th Anniversary of Udayana, which started at 07.30 A.M and closed with the Contemporary competition. Yadhani also said that this competition proved that even though Udayana is not an art major, moreover, Udayana could hold and participate in the defile and contemporary competitions. The faculties which won the competition in Defile were Faculty of Economic and Business in the first place, Faculty of Law in the second place and Faculty of Technic was in the third place. It is different from the Contemporary competition. The first rank, which was the winner of this competition was coming from the Faculty of Social and Politic, then in the second place, there was Faculty of Mecidal and in the third place was Faculty of Marine and Fisheries. (mimi)