Udayana Help the Work Directorate Quality Assurance Program of KEMENRISTEKDIKTI

The Scene of the Audit Internal Training Activity on 22nd of September 2016

Directorate of Quality Assurance KEMENRISTEKDIKTI conducted internal audits conducted training on 21st September to 23rd September 2016. These activities include training, practice, and presentation of results in practice. Where training and practice result presentation was held at Hotel Grand Inna Kuta. Internal auditing practices and activities carried out at the University of Udayana. Directorate of Quality Assurance KEMENRISTEKDIKTI Udayana University was invited to contribute this activity, which Udayana was invited as the internal audit training practice field which falls on Sept. 22nd, 2016. The five Study Programs at the University of Udayana, which became the scope of the internal audit training practices, are of Veterinary, Management, Mechanical Engineering, Information Engineering and Accounting. The scope of the internal audit is learning processes of the fifth study programs.

This invitation is very welcomed by the Rector of Udayana University. Due to these activities are coinciding with the month audit Udayana University and their accreditation activities assisted by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BANPT) at Udayana. It also addressed by Vice Rector of Udayana University in his speech at the reception of this activity. He said that Udayana were very pleased to have become a place of training practices internal audit conducted by the Directorate of Quality Assurance KEMENRISTEKDIKTI. The participants of this training were 25 people who came from all over the representation of Higher Education in Indonesia that have passed through the test before.

The trainee activity was one of the program from the Directorate of Quality Assurance KEMENRISTEKDIKTI. The Directorate of Quality Assurance KEMENRISTEKDIKTI has a target to reach 13 thousands of the best study programs with A and B accreditation in the future 3 months. Bounded with that, the Quality Assurance held some programs to reach the target, the activities are like: doing socialization, workshop, and internal system training. According to Masluhin Hajaz, as the Head of Revitalization Section Program in the Directorate of Quality Assurance KEMENRISTEKDIKTI, Udayana is chosen as the place to do the audit internal training practice, because Udayana is considered to be able in representing the best University in Indonesia.

The facilitators were brought in from KEMENRISTEKDIKTI to support this activity is Prof. Kusminarto, Prof. Gentur Sutapa, Prof. Hartanto, Prof. Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan. Through this activity, all participants, which most of the courses are accredited C, could face the problem and move them to be able to pursue the accreditation process faster to became superior courses which accredited A or B. It is expected that they can be corrected so that not only the institutions are superior, but courses can also keep an institution to excel. (mimi)