Opening Ceremony and Orientation of the 15th BIPAS Students

Vice Rector IV of Udayana University Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, ph.D opened the Opening Ceremony and Orientation Bali International Program on Asian Studies ( BIPAS )
Thursday, September 1st, 2016 at the Widya Mandala Sabha Prof. Dr Ida Bagus Mantra Building, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University been held the Opening Ceremony and Orientation for students of Bali International Program on Asian Studies (BIPAS). The event was opened by the Vice Rector IV Udayana University, Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, ph.D. In his speech, the vice rector IV Udayana University BIPAS convey to students that they will face a lot of new things and learn about the different cultures of their countries of origin. The event lasted for two days and attended by 241 students from 15 different countries. This number is the highest number since the establish of the BIPAS institution in 2009.
BIPAS itself is an institute of student exchange which is managed by the Faculty of Arts, Udayana University in collaboration with the Asia Exchange which is based in Finland. As the Head of the BIPAS Institute, Dr. Drs. I Made Rajeg, M.Hum said that the purpose of the orientation is to give a general insight to students about the academic and non-academic life and environment of Udayana University. (kezia)