Udayana Univeristy Graduated 1184 Students in the 118th Graduation

Graduates were shaking hands with the rector of Udayana University, Saturday (Aug, 27 2016)

Saturday (Aug, 27) Udayana University held the 118th graduation. The procession of the event took place in Widya Sabha Auditorium followed by 1184 graduates. Udayana University has graduated 77 146 students up to this time.

Out of the 1184 graduates, 173 graduates were from professional programs, 32 from Medical Education Specialist Program 1, 13 from doctoral degree, 129 from master's degree, 732 from undergraduate and Diploma 4, and 105 Diploma 3.

There were many graduates who received cum laude; 6 graduates from doctorate program, 42 from master program, 3 from doctor specialist program, 38 from profession program, 98 from undergraduate program, and 26 from Diploma 3.

The highest Grade Point Average (GPA) was achieved by a graduate from cultural studies department of doctorate program and a graduate from Agricultural Biotechnology department of master program with a perfect GPA, 4.00. As for the highest GPA of Internal Medicine Specialist program was 3.78, 3.92 from nurse profession, 3.97 from accounting department of undergraduate program, and 3.86 from Library department of D3 program.

In his speech, rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD., stated that graduates were the components of the next generation who have an obligation to participate in Indonesian development. “Independence is not the end point of the struggle, but it is the starting point of the struggle instead,” said the rector of Udayana University. Besides, he believed that the knowledge the graduates obtained in the educational process was quite enough to participate in Indonesian development. He also emphasized the importance of soft skills and hard work. (ayuniantari)

Wisudawan udayana melempar topinya tanda kelulusan, sabtu(27/0/2016)