Unud Signs MoU with Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI)

Rector Unud shakes hands with leader of IAI after signing MoU

Rector Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD, signs MoU with Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI), Ahmad Djuhara at Wicwakarma, Technology Architecture Department, PB Sudirman Street on Friday (12/8). This event is also attended by the dean of Faculty of Engineering, Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT, Ph.D; he stated that this signing ceremony for MoU is very important in order to answer the challenge ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which includes 8 professions such Architectural Services.

“We expect that this year the institution will be accredited ‘A’, until getting permission from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia to create architecture professional program,” the dean of Faculty of Engineering stated.

Rector Unud appreciates the cooperation between Unud and IAI, so that in engineering field especially Architecture Department can develop and has professional program like in the medicine department which has been developed.

“I expect that this cooperation will give us benefit, especially for people who study about architecture” Rector Unud stated.

This event is continued by signing MoU and giving souvenir such plaque, then giving material by the leader of IAI, Ahmad Djuhara. (manik)