Chairperson of BAA, Drs. I Ketut Amoga Sidi

Academic Administration Bureau (BAA) is an institution that supports the academic administration and cooperation administration which is responsible to Rector through Vice Rector of Academic and Vice Rector of Cooperation.  This unit is located on the first floor of Rectorate building, Bukit, Jimbaran, and headed by Drs. I Ketut Amoga Sidi.

The main task of BAA is conducting the activities of academic administration and cooperation, both domestic and foreign. In conducting the main task, BAA is divided into two divisions, namely the divisions of Education (headed by I Nyoman Supangat, SH.) and Cooperation (headed by Dra. Hamidiah Yunus).

The Education division has the duty to conduct the education administration, research evaluation, and community service. It is divided into three subdivisions, namely the subdivisions of Education and Evaluation (headed by Made Diantari, S.S.), Registration and Statistics (headed by Agoes Hadi Birawan, SE.) and Education Facility (headed by I Wayan Sama, SH.).

There are some work programs of BAA in a year, namely:

  1. Cooperation of Scanner and UN Monitoring
  2. Graduation (four times a year, held in February, May/June, August, November)
  3. Socialization of New Student Admission
  4. New Student Admission through SNMPTN, SBMPTN and Mandiri
  5. Selection of Post-graduate (once a year for the S2 program and profession held in the odd semester and twice a year for the specialist program held in the odd and even semester)
  6. Cooperation between Ikayana and Ikayana Timor Leste in student recruitment
  7. Compiling the calenders of Academic and Students Affairs (together with BAK)
  8. PKKMB
  9. A night of celebration as the core event of Anniversary

The Cooperation division has the duty to conduct the cooperation administration. This division is divided into two subdivisions, namely the subdivisions of Domestic Cooperation (headed by Dra. Ni Wayan Mejiarthi) and Foreign Cooperation (headed by I Nyoman Maharta Jaya, S.Sos).  

 Staff of Cooperation division

Cooperation division has the duty to establish the collaboration in various fields with various parties, both domestic and foreign in order to improve the implementation quality of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, and promote the institutional toward the independence in management and finance, and also improve the service quality of the field of cooperation.

The work targets of Cooperation Division, among others:

1. Increasing the number of Cooperation

2. Increasing the number of Domestic Cooperation Realization

3. Increasing the number of Foreign Cooperation Realization

4. Increasing the number of Cooperation that contributes to Institution Income
