
The Study Program of Master of Civil Engineering, Master Program of Udayana University was founded in 2003 based on the Decree of Indonesian General Directorate for Higher Education Number: 485/D/T2003, About: The operation license of Master of Civil Engineering Study Program of Master Degree in Udayana University. All of the Three Pillars of Tertiary Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi) activities of Master of Civil Engineering Study Program were conducted in Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. Except, the activities which need the laboratory were conducted in Bukit Jimbaran Campus. This study program provides 5 (five) concentrations of mastery: Structure, Geotechnique, Water Resources Engineering and Management, Transportation, and Construction Project Management. In 2012, the Master of Civil Engineering Study Program had been accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) with a B grade based on the Decree of BAN-PT Number: 002/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S2/V/2012 of May 16th of 2012.

  • Alamat: Jl. PB Sudirman, Denpasar Gedung Pascasarjana Lt.1
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  • Tlp / Fax: 0361-224124

The Program of Master of Mechanical Engineering of Udayana University (PMTM-UNUD) was founded in 2009, based on the demand of the society over the importance of higher education than the undergraduate program in mechanical technology. After obtaining the license from the Indonesian General Directorate for Higher Education (Dikti) Number 446/D/T/2009 on April 6th, 2009, the Master of Mechanical Engineering Program started to be developed by appointing Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Bagus Wijaya Kusuma as the Head and Dr. Eng. Made Sucipta, ST.,MT. as the secretary of PMTM-UNUD. The Admission of Students in the first year was started in 2009 with 20 students. In order to develop PMTM-UNUD there were some partnerships with some reputable universities both domestic and foreign Universities and also with some governmental institution for the sake of the improvement of education quality. Foundation date: April 6th, 2009 Study Program Operation Decree: Indonesian Directorate General for Higher Education (Dikti) Number 446/D/T/2009 Operation Decree date : April 6th, 2009 Accreditation: Decree of The National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number 003/BAN-Pt/Ak-X/S2/V/2012 with a B grade. Accreditation Validity: May 24th, 2017

  • Alamat: Lantai Dasar, Gedung Pascasarjana Kampus Sudirman, Jalan Panglima Besar Sudirman Denpasar Bali, 802
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  • Tlp / Fax: 0361-241396

Initiated by the foundation of the Faculty of Literature of Udayana University which was the branch of Airlangga University since September 29th of 1958, Udayana University was founded on September 29th of 1962 by the foundation of Faculty of Literature, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Veterinary. Since October 6th of 1992, Udayana University was trusted by the Department of Education and Culture of Indonesia through the Indonesian Directorate General for Higher Education to operate the Masters Program which was the Study Program of Master of Linguistics. From that time, many Masters Study Programs were founded in Udayana University. According to the high demand for the Study Program of Master of Electrical Engineering, Udayana University proposed to open the Master of Electrical Engineering Study Program. Finally, the Ministry of National Education through the Indonesian Directorate General for Higher Education of the Ministry of National Education legitimated the program in March 13, 2008 with a Decree Number: 851/D/T/2008. The Master of Electrical Engineering Study Program of Udayana University had been accredited for B level and of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education level based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number: 002/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S2/V/2012, valid until May 16th,2017. The Study Program of Master of Electrical Engineering of Udayana University is an Education Institution which has clear vision and missions to produce professional and international-level human resources. Therefore, the quality of education conducted is based on the standard of quality required and the accreditation of the study program is an important thing to achieve the educational goals of the study program.

  • Alamat: Jl. PB Sudirman, Denpasar, Bali 80232
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  • Tlp / Fax: 0361 - 239599

Master of Tourism Discourse of Udayana University is the first study program in the field of independent tourism in Indonesia. It was founded in 2001, legitimized by the decree of Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education Number 1917/D/T/2001 of June 7th of 2001. The accreditation level of this study program is A level. It is valid until May 16th, 2017 (Decree of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number 002/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S2/V/2012). In Udayana University, the presence of Master of Tourism Discourse is fairly strategic. It also participated in the legitimacy of the Diploma IV of Tourism Program in Udayana University to be a Faculty in 2008, and later to be a foundation of the education program of Doctor of Tourism in 2010. Thus, Udayana University has the Tourism Degree completely from the undergraduate program until the doctoral program. Udayana University also has a Research Center of Culture and Tourism (Puslitbudpar) and since 2013 the University founded a Tourism Research Consortium (KRP) which is guided by the Ministry of Research and Technology (now becomes Menristek Dikti / Ministry of Research and Technology of DIKTI). With these tourism programs, research center and the consortium, Udayana University is able to contribute in preparing the Human Resources in the tourism development more optimal, especially in Bali, and Indonesia in general.

  • Alamat: Gedung Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana R. 1.19 Jalan P.B. Sudiman, Denpasar 80232
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  • Tlp / Fax: 0361-229079 or 0361-255342

The awareness of Economics and Business Faculty of Udayana University in preparing the professional human resources to fulfill the needs of both non-governmental and governmental parties was realized through the opening of Master of Management Study Program of Udayana University in the middle of October of 1998, with the license from Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) with a decree number 372/Dikti/Kep/1998 of October 14th of 1998. In the beginning, the Master of Management Study Program received the first generation of students by opening 3 concentrations; they were Marketing Management, Financial Management, and Tourism Business Management. On the second generation, there was the Human Resources Management added on the concentrations then was continued on the third year, sixth generation, by the opening of Public Sector Management concentration. The alumni of Master of Management Study Program of Udayana University will get the academic title of Master of Management (MM). The Master of Management Study Program of Udayana University had been accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education with the accreditation grade of “A”, based on the decree of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number: 218/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-IX/M/X/2013, of October 26th of 2013. The Accreditation Certificate of this study program of Udayana University is valid for 5 years, from October 26th, 2013 until October 26th, 2018. The Master of Management Study Program of Udayana University has a fairly broad chance to develop many concentration fields, which are suited to the development of needs in the world of working. Today, this study program has already had 4 concentration fields, they are: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Tourism Business Management.

  • Alamat: Jl. PB Sudirman Denpasar, Bali
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  • Tlp / Fax: 0361 - 229119

Opening              : August 14th, 1992, based on the Decree of: Indonesian Directorate                              General of Higher  Education (DIKTI) Number: 431/Dikti/Kep/1992                              of October 6th of 1992                              Accreditation Decree Number:  00285/ak-1-25/UUDMLG/2000,                              Predicate: U (Unggul / Excellent)                              Accreditation A  /  July 12th of 2012  –  July 12th of 2017 / The Re-accreditation result from                                                                    DIKTI Total credits:  42 Credits Consentration:  Pure Linguistics Literary Discourse Applied Linguistics for Translation, and Applied Linguistics for Teaching and Learning

  • Alamat: Jalan Pulau Nias 13 Denpasar, 80114
  • Email:
  • Tlp / Fax: 0361 - 250033

 HISTORY Applied Chemistry Master Program was established on 27 August 2008 by virtue of Decree of Minister of National Education, Directorate General of Higher Education No. 2857/D/T/2008 stating that Applied Chemistry Master Study Program in Master’s degree, got license to implement that program. Applied Chemistry Master Study Program started student enrollment in 2009. This Master Program has obtained B Accreditation from National Accreditation Agency (BAN PT) in 2012 (the Certificate enclosed) and also got ISO 9001:2008 from United Registrar of System (URS) (the Certificate enclosed)

  • Alamat: Gedung Pascasarjana R.G. 09 Jl. P.B. Sudirman-Denpasar BALI 80232
  • Email:
  • Tlp / Fax: 0361-223797

Udayana University is one of the universities on eastern part of Indonesia that currently growing fast along the years of establishment in 1962. Recently, Udayana University has postgraduate programs in social, economy, agriculture, or even medical field of science. Eastern part of Indonesia (KTI) is the region where its human resource (SDM) development still requires a full attention, to be able to compete and pursue the setback through the Western part of Indonesia human resource, especially in utilizing veterinary natural resource (SDA) wealth. This veterinary SDA wealth does not limit only on land habituated animals, but also include animals and/or coast and ocean biodiversity. To ensure continual utilization for the recent and future generation welfare, then an adequate competence of SDM needed to veterinary science and technology modernization and development though correctly and properly solving issues in veterinary field. The need to establish S2 Program in Veterinary is based on government policy consideration, especially to those that associated to development policy in higher education and veterinary field. Along the effort of increasing SDM in Biodiversity Sources utilization, then Udayana University consider it necessary to participate through establishing Veterinary postgraduate program. The establishment of this program is significantly relevant, considering the great potential of participants or students that comprises Bali, NTB, NTT, Sulawesi, Papua, and other surrounding regions. This program will be the only program established in eastern part of Indonesia. On the 6th of August 1992, Udayana University is entrusted by Ministry of Education and Culture in the Republic of Indonesia, which in this case is the Directorate General of Higher Education to carry out the second level of education (master), started with the establishment of Master Program in Linguistics. In 2010, Directorate General of Higher Education issued a decree No.25/D/O/2010 on the establishment of S2 Program in Veterinary, which since September 2010 has started the education program.

  • Alamat: Kampus Sudirman Denpasar
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  • Tlp / Fax: -

HISTORY Master Degree (S2) Program of Cultural Studies was established in 1995 by decree of the Director General of Higher Education of Department of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 461/Dikti/Kep./1995, date 9 November 1995. This study program belongs to the Graduate Program of Udayana University of Denpasar. The Master Program (S2) of Cultural Studies brought new atmosphere in graduate program education in Udayana University, because this study program is the embryo of Graduate Program in Udayana University, with Linguistics Master Program. Initializing its existence ordinarily, this program has noble mission in education field. It is firstly accredited by grade “U” or Unggul (Excellent). As many progress were achieved by this program, in 2009 the National Accreditation Agency of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia based on Decree of BAN-PT No. 021/BAN-PT/Ak-VI/S2/2009 date 23 January 2009, stating that Master Program (S2) of Cultural Studies, Udayana University, Denpasar was accredited by grade A. Thus, it must be maintained and improved continuously by management board and lecturers in order to keep improve Master (S2) Program of Cultural Studies. It is proven by the increase of public interest to become students in Cultural Studies Master Program. Universities, either state or private universities and government instances either in Bali or in various areas in Indonesia put their trust on this program to educate their staffs in this program. It is inseparable with study program management that is always based on consistent vision, mission, purpose, and strategy of achievement of Cultural Studies Master Program.  

  • Alamat: Jl. P. Nias 13 Denpasar
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  • Tlp / Fax: 0361 - 246653