Glory the 54th Udayana University

Getting old is certainly related to the wealth of experiences that has been passed, how memories have been created and how many ups and downs and achievement already achieved. That is what we remember as academic group of Udayana University continue to renew and realizing Udayana University vision to produce human resources who superior, independent, and cultured (Unggul, Mandiri, dan Berbudaya)   

A chain of competition was held to commemorate the anniversary of Udayana University, they are go relax, student competition both in Contemporary or Defile branched cheered this 54th anniversary of Udayana. The expectation for Udayana University at its 54th anniversary is “particular academic awards are not just limited to the lecturers, yet it is more improved to the students and the potency of students of every faculty could be facilitated”.  Said Drs I Ketut Ngurah Sulibra M.Hum who is a lecturer of Balinese literature department Faculty of Arts Udayana University..

Students are not only studying in classroom but they can be fine-tuned in academic field such Students Scientific Week ‘PIMNAS’ if students can develop the idea or theory that has been taught in lesson, however the lesson does not from lecturers to the students direction but that is two direction from lecturer that received by students so that they can develop the theories that got from studying process for improving the achievement and contributing to build Udayana University.  

 “Surely the improvement of infrastructure or facilities in each faculty is getting better in future to support the process and contribute. Glory 54 Udayana University hope glorious always’ said Ni Wayan Ayu Astini Sari the student of Faculty of Marine and Fisheries. (sobhita)