The Acceleration of Internationalization Study Program through International Accreditation

The Participants of International Accreditation Semiloka with the Interviewees from USAID-HELM

The globalization of education world becomes a chance for an excellent university, but it becomes a serious threat for those who have a standard level. It turns out that age, the number of students and university standard is not a guarantee of the existence, but the quality which can guarantee the existence instead. A great size but inside is empty and perforated will be so much difference than a small size but full. Because of that, it is now we start to think on filling our institution. Quality and competitive is the main impact in existence.

Udayana University as the oldest university in Bali, with almost 1.600 lectures and more than 24.500 students, is awarded with three great assets to be a world-class university. Psychologically, the Unud people, who usually have a direct contact with foreigners, is already have the psychology asset to be prepared in associating with them; the relationship between Balinese people and Unud people with the international scientific community is the social asset, and the expertise of the professors, students, and lectures in Unud about Bali local wisdom is the scientific modal as the global top-runner (frontier). However, this global capital is not capable in being uprated maximally and being a supporter in doing the global leap. To accelerate the role of Unud as the international study center stage or the international university, with the cooperation between Unud and USAID-Higher Education Leadership and Management, workshop about the acceleration of internationalization study program in Unud is held which then operated by some strategies like determining the rank of PT International (QS), certificating and international accrediting. This event is held for two days long, Thursday-Friday, 15th-16th of October 2015, in Lab. Bersama Universitas Udayana, Jalan PB. Sudirman, which are attended by all Deans and Vice Deans in the academic field, Director of the Post-Graduate Study, the Chairman and the secretary of all Study Program which accredited A (BANPT), all BANPT assessors in Unud and the companion team of Unud accreditation. The interviewees are the expert teams from HELM, Dr. Abdul Rahman, Dr. Menuk Primawati and also Dr. Sutanto Sastraredja from UNS.

From left to right: Dr. Sutanto Sastraredja (UNS), Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D (the chairman of BPMU Unud), Prof. Dr. I Made Damriyasa, MS (the Vice Rector I Unud), dan Dr. Abdul Rahman (USAID-HELM)

The workshop is opened by the Vice Rector of Academic fields, Prof. Dr. I Made Damriyasa, MS., in his speech said that it is the time for Unud to arrange its road to international accreditation, if it still wanting to be exist in the global world. The great opportunities for Unud institutions, especially in internationalizing Bali potential, must be taken immediately, or else, it will be taken by another institution. This is the time for Unud to organize themselves through preparation, innovative strategies to the international university, and contribution in solving the global problems.

Mr. Abdul Rahman (USAID-HELM) seems enthusiastic in giving the explanation which is followed by the enthusiasm of the participants to ask

In workshop, HELM facilitators are cunning on empowering the participants to look after the potential in each study program, also giving cross-cultural mindset and multi discipliner/cross courses so that it can work together in building the Unud internationalization. Meanwhile, Dr. Sutanto, who is the motivator of UNS in encouraging it to the world class, shared various things, starts from planning various performance indicators in strategic plan and working plan on answering three institutional goal settings, such as: QS, AUN, Webometric and superior institutional accreditation (A). Various best practices in UNS is shared which we may benchmark in order to bring Unud to WCU. Unud certainly can! (ins) (mimi)