LPPM Udayana University Holds Workshop on Strategies to Pass DPPM Funding in 2025

Jimbaran - The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Udayana University (Unud) held a Workshop on Strategies to Pass DPPM Funding in 2025 which took place online via the Zoom Meeting application, Friday (3/21/2025). This activity was opened by the Rector of Unud and presented three speakers, namely the Director of Research and Community Service, Directorate General of RISBANG, Ministry of Education and Technology, Prof. I Ketut Adnyana with material on Direction and Policy of the Ministry of Education and Technology, then Prof. Chandra Wahyu Purnomo with material on Research Guidelines 2025 and Prof. R. Wisnu Nurcahyo with material on Strategies to Pass Community Service Grants funding from DPPM, Ministry of Education and Technology and as moderator Prof. Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti.

Head of LPPM Unud Prof. I Nyoman Suarsana in his report conveyed according to the announcement that the 2025 research and community service guidelines had been launched on March 3, 2025, where a week later there was an announcement regarding the acceptance of research and community service proposals for 2025 which started from March 11 to April 7, 2025. Therefore, with the proposal submission process still ongoing, LPPM took the initiative to conduct socialization to make the best possible proposal. 

His party also reported that 153 proposals were submitted to LPPM, of which 51.6 percent failed administratively and 48.4 percent entered the substance selection so that LPPM brought in resource persons through this activity to minimize proposals that failed administratively.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana, in his remarks, said that Udayana University through the Institute for Research and Community Service strongly supports and facilitates research, cooperation and collaboration that supports Asta Cita, President Prabowo's flagship program towards Indonesia Emas 2045, which includes eight missions: strengthening ideology, defense, employment, human resources, downstreaming, village development, bureaucratic reform, and environmental harmony. For example, research on how to realize food security, research on waste management and processing, research on power plants based on New Renewable Energy (EBT) to achieve Net Zero Emission (NZE) and many other research topics, which are able to make Unud superior. 

In addition to the availability of research and community service funds from Unud's PNBP, of course the DPPM funding source is one of the funding sources that must be utilized optimally by lecturers, researchers and community service workers.

The presence of the Director of DPPM and the speakers, in increasing understanding of DPPM research and community service policies and funding, as well as providing technical guidance in preparing proposals in accordance with the provisions and funding priorities that have been set, is expected to be able to improve the quality of research and community service proposals submitted for funding from the Ministry of Education and Technology's DPPM in 2025, so that more proposals will be accepted for funding from Unud lecturers.

"All Unud lecturers are required to conduct research, so we hope that the research ratio is at least 1 lecturer per 1 research, well this is also a KPI of Udayana University and of course will be managed by Udayana University Research and Community Service," said the Rector. 

Unud is also actively developing an innovation ecosystem, by encouraging the acceleration of research-based innovation products, as well as several funding schemes that have been provided by LPPM Unud. The Udayana University Science and Technology Area to support the commercialization of innovation products by more intensively integrating innovation centers, business incubators, and intellectual property centers, has been prepared, it is hoped that a good innovation ecosystem will be created so that research downstreaming can be further processed into innovation products that are ready to be produced and marketed. Through this activity, strategies can be discussed to carry out the downstreaming process and also cooperation with the industry.