The Day After His Inauguration, the Minister of Education and Technology Held a Meeting with State University Leaders

Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana attended the Coordination Meeting of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology with leaders of State Universities (PTN) which took place online via the Zoom Meeting application, Thursday (20/2/2025). The agenda for the meeting is a Gathering between the Minister of Education and Science and Technology with the Leaders of PTN and LLDIKTI, Submission of the Ministry of Education and Technology's Policy Direction, Discussion of issues related to budget efficiency, performance allowances, study assignments, and others.

The meeting was chaired directly by the Minister of Education and Technology, Prof. Brian Yuliarto, on this occasion, explained several strategic programs and wanted to get input from the existing system, and hoped for feedback from existing programs so that they could be accommodated according to existing conditions on campus.