CPHI Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Collaborates with PDKI Bali Branch to Hold Seminar on Bali Family Medicine Update 2024

Denpasar - Center for Public Health Innovation (CPHI) Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Unud) collaborated with the Bali Branch of the Association of Indonesian Family Doctors (PDKI) to hold the Bali Family Medicine Update 2024 seminar, with the theme "Integrated Palliative Care for Catastrophic Diseases at Primary Care Level: Bridging Family Medicine, Mental Health and Trend of Traditional Medicine Utilization” took place in the Meeting Room of dr. A.A Made Djelantik, Faculty of Medicine, Unud, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (28/10/2024). This activity began with the inauguration of the PDKI Bali Branch Management for the 2024-2027 period which was followed by a seminar opened by the Rector of Unud.

This seminar presented several speakers, namely Prof. Shailendra Prasad, MD., MPH. from University of Minnesota, Prof. Dr. Dr. Sri Andarini, M.Kes., Sp.KKLP. Sub.Sp.COPC. as Chair of the Indonesian Collegium of Family Medicine (KIKKI) for the 2022-2024 period, Prof. Dr. AA Ngurah Anom Kumbara, MA, Dr.dr. Bayu Mahendra, Sp.OG.(K), Dr. Dr. Urged Ketut Indrasari Utami, Sp.S.(K), and Dr. Dr. Anak Ayu Sri Wahyuni, Sp.KJ.

Chairman of PDKI Bali Branch Dr. Dr. Putu Aryani, S.Ked., MIH., Sp.KKLP., Sub.Sp.COPC in his report conveyed a glimpse of the journey of the Bali Branch of the PDKI which has been established since the 1980s. It was further explained that the theme of this seminar was around the role of family doctors in treating patients with catastrophic illnesses, providing palliative services, mental health, bridging and sorting out the use of traditional and spiritual therapies that are safe for patients.

"We chose this topic in a series of commemorations for World Stroke Day, namely 29 October 2024. As we are all aware, there is still a very large gap in the availability of palliative care at the primary care level. Many patients do not have access to hospital, they still cannot fully served by general practitioners and family doctors in Indonesia, including in Bali," said the Head of PDKI Bali Branch.

One of the obstacles is the lack of confidence and ability of doctors in primary care to provide palliative therapy. For this reason, opportunities are needed to develop the competence and skills of our doctors in primary care. This is in line with the program ideals of the Indonesian Ministry of Health and also the PDKI work program, that in the future, palliative care can be served at the primary service level.  

Through this opportunity, his party also said that several colleagues at PDKI Bali are also lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine, Unud, who have now joined the Task Force to prepare a proposal for the establishment of a Family Medicine and Primary Care Specialist Study Program. This ideal is one of the active efforts of the Unud Faculty of Medicine to answer the challenges of the need for Sp.KKLP Doctors. in the next 10 years.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D in his speech said that as we know, patients suffering from catastrophic illnesses require long-term recovery and require high costs, but for now, palliative care by family doctors in our primary care in Indonesia, including in Bali it is still a common goal that needs to be supported by opportunities to develop the competence and skills of our doctors in community health centers and other primary services.

"I hope that Udayana University will become one of the providers of Primary Care Family Medicine Specialist Doctor education together with several universities that already organize it such as UNSYAH, USU, UNPAD, UI, UGM, and UNPRIMA and the latest is Atma Jaya University," said the Rector.

Then, with this Bali Family Medicine Update activity, it is hoped that it can become a trigger that initiates active efforts by universities to support and strengthen the role of family doctors in providing comprehensive and sustainable services to patients suffering from catastrophic diseases in primary care health facilities.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the PDKI Central Management, represented by the Vice Chairperson, Dr. Novana Perdana Putri, Sp.KKLP in her speech conveyed this when family doctors showed a real role in the integration of primary services at Community Health Centers. A noble responsibility that demands commitment, dedication and professionalism. Through this opportunity, the party also congratulated the PDKI Bali Branch management and that they carry out their mandate and be able to strengthen the existence of family doctors in Bali.