Udayana University Faculty of Economics and Business Celebrates 57th Anniversary

Rector of Udayana University (Unud), Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana was present at the Peak Celebration of the 57th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business on Sunday (1/9/2024) at the Faculty of Economics and Business Field, Denpasar.

In his speech, the Rector said that the 57th Anniversary Celebration was not only a momentum to be grateful for the long journey of the Faculty of Economics and Business, but also the right time for everyone to reflect on the contributions we have made to the world of education, society and this nation. Through the theme, "Connecting Future," it reflects our enthusiasm to continue connecting and integrating the future with our intellectual strength, innovation and collaboration.

The Rector also said that in its 57 years of history, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University has shown extraordinary progress. This faculty has produced many quality graduates who are active in various fields, both at national and international levels. Apart from that, this faculty also continues to innovate in facing increasingly complex global challenges, especially in the fields of economics and business. The Faculty of Economics and Business is the faculty with the most superior study programs and the only faculty with the title of Corruption Free Area Integrity Zone within Unud and there are 2 study programs with international certification AUN-QA and Abest 21, and is a member of AACSB.

He hopes that through the 57th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business, this faculty will continue to develop and make a significant contribution to the progress of the nation and state. Keep creating, innovating and inspiring.

On the same occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., through the momentum of this Dies Natalis celebration, released a video profile of the Faculty of Economics and Business which will later be used to introduce the Faculty of Economics and Business more widely again and launched several internal applications in the Faculty of Economics and Business which can make tasks easier and make the performance of the Faculty of Economics and Business even better in the future.