Socialization on Increasing Supervision of Public Participation in Supervision of State Officials' Assets Held at Udayana University

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of the Republic of Indonesia, through the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring, is carrying out outreach related to increasing supervision of public participation in the supervision of state administrators' assets. This socialization brought together 100 (one hundred) Civil Society Organization people, in this case Udayana University students. This activity is carried out in order to increase community participation in monitoring State Administrators' assets.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, was present and gave a speech and welcome to the resource persons present and socialization participants. In his remarks, he said that currently Udayana University has synergized with the Corruption Eradication Committee by playing an active role in several Corruption Eradication Committee activity programs including Increasing the Integrity of Higher Education Disciplines and the Educational Integrity Assessment Survey and hopes that all processes can run well, be accountable and transparent.

On this occasion the Vice Rector also expressed his thanks to the team from the Corruption Eradication Committee who were present and provided enlightenment to the Udayana University students, especially those present today regarding community participation, especially Udayana University students in overseeing the state administration process, one of which is how Students participate in monitoring the implementation of the simultaneous regional elections which will be held next November. The message is that this activity provides enlightenment regarding how to play an active role in monitoring state administration, especially the implementation of regional elections.

This socialization presented two (2) speakers from the Corruption Eradication Commission, namely David Tarihoran as Head of the LHKPN Registration and Inspection Task Force) who delivered material entitled Community Participation in Preventing Corruption Crimes through Supervising the Assets of State Organizers, and Deni Setianto as Crime Eradication Analyst Corruption.