Udayana University Tourism Faculty Holds HR Quality Improvement Workshop

The Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University (Unud) held a Workshop on Improving the Quality of Human Resources (HR) for Educators within the Faculty of Tourism. The activity with the theme "Building a Culture of Excellent Service for Internal and External Stakeholders" was held on Thursday, 18 July 2024 in the Adnyana Manuaba Hall, Faculty of Tourism, Jimbaran Campus. This workshop was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Dr. I Wayan Suardana, SST.Par., M.Par. and then the implementation of the activities was accompanied by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Faculty of Tourism, Yayu Indrawati, S.S., M.Par., Ph.D.

The invited speakers are resource persons who are experts and professionals in providing human resource improvement training, so that the objectives of the workshop are well received by all participants. Ida Bagus Purwasila, S.E., M.M. as the resource person delivered material entitled "Increasing HR Competency and Roleplay" and was guided by Novita Restiati Ina Wea, S.S., M.Sc. as moderator in material delivery sessions and discussion sessions.

Currently, the teaching staff within the Faculty of Tourism has carried out service activities well, but the quality still needs to be improved to provide excellent service. Excellent service is prepared before providing services in the office, so it is the responsibility of each individual. The task of each individual is to keep their thoughts and emotions positive by always being grateful when facing problems, as well as maintaining personal health and cleanliness. Another thing that is emphasized is a comfortable and clean office environment which influences service.

Apart from preparing oneself and the environment in providing services, it is necessary to first study the character of each person who will be the recipient of the service. All these important things are combined into important elements of service called service excellence. In delivering the material, the resource person also provided games aimed at making participants understand the importance of focus, concentration and cooperation in carrying out service tasks.

Excellent service must be done from the heart so that service recipients feel satisfied, helped, and leave a good impression. This must continue to be trained so that it becomes a habit within each teaching staff within the Unud Faculty of Tourism.