Udayana University BEM again handed over Communal KI Certificates in Klungkung Regency

Klungkung – Monday (15/07/2024), the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Udayana University (Unud) through the Department of Culture again handed over the Communal Intellectual Property certificate to the custodian through the Acting Regent of Klungkung, I Nyoman Jendrika. This inventory had been carried out several months earlier with stages including exploration, observation, interviews, data tabulation and verification by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

On this occasion, BEM Udayana handed over a total of 13 certificates including certificates for Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions. The following are the details of the Communal Intellectual Property submitted:

1. PT Tenun Cepuk, Tanglad Traditional Village, Nusa Penida District

2. EBT Cepuk Weaving with Mekawis Motifs, Tanglad Traditional Village, Nusa Penida District

3. EBT Weaving Cepuk with Amethyst Motif, Tanglad Traditional Village, Nusa Penida District

4. EBT Cepuk Weaving Kurung Motif Tanglad Traditional Village, Nusa Penida District

5. EBT Cepuk Weaving Sudamala Motif, Tanglad Traditional Village, Nusa Penida District

6. EBT Cepuk Weaving Tangi Gede Motif, Tanglad Traditional Village, Nusa Penida District

7. EBT Cepuk Weaving with Liking Paku Motif, Tanglad Traditional Village, Nusa Penida District

8. PT Genta Budaga Traditional Village, Klungkung District

9. EBT Genta Budaga Traditional Village, Klungkung District

10. EBT Gentorag Budaga Traditional Village, Klungkung District

11. EBT Genta Uter Budaga Traditional Village, Klungkung District

12. EBT Nandan Tradition, Gunaksa Traditional Village, Dawan District

13. EBT Ritual of Sang Hyang Grodog, Lembongan Traditional Village, Nusa Penida District

Chair of BEM Unud for 2023, I Putu Bagus Padmanegara, conveyed the Cultural Revitalization program implemented by the Department of Culture which is nothing more than a form of student concern for the existence of culture in Bali. The submission of this recording certificate to the custodian via Acting. The Regent of Klungkung is expected to be a spirit booster for the relevant custodians and the wider community to be able to preserve the culture that has been passed down from generation to generation. Udayana University BEM will always move and strive to find and develop culture in Bali so that it is not only known to the wider community but also has a positive impact on the villages concerned.

Welcoming him warmly, I Nyoman Jendrika expressed his appreciation to BEM Udayana University and at the same time expressed his thanks, "I represent the Klungkung Regency Government to express my gratitude to BEM Unud for building a positive synergy with the Klungkung Regency government so that the recording of Communal Intellectual Property can be achieved. I think being able to record 13 KIK this year plus 7 KIK in 2023 is not an easy and simple thing. With a scientific basis as academics, the students from BEM Unud have been able to implement their duties and obligations to carry out research and community service. "Of course this is a very good example for other students as cultural successors," said I Nyoman Jendrika in his speech.

Head of the Culture Department of BEM Udayana, I Gusti Ngurah Made Prabhaswara, added that there are several important points that need to be explored more deeply regarding the culture or tradition that you want to record, such as the nature of culture, cultural teachers, and cultural history. In recording in Klungkung Regency, the relevant government is the Culture Department of Klungkung Regency is very responsive and responsive in providing information and cooperative in administrative management so that synergy can be established well. As Head of the Department of Culture, Prabha really hopes that this recording can be utilized as well as possible by the villages concerned to be able to develop and preserve existing culture so that it is not lost to the erodes of time.