Udayana University BEM Holds Udayana E-Sport Championship 2024

Denpasar - Sunday (09/06/2024), the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Udayana University (Unud) Cabinet "Escalation of Udayana Cita" held the Udayana E-Sport Championship with the theme "Elevate The Game, Celebrate The Victory". Udayana E-Sport Championship, is an e-sports competition that attracts the attention of the public in the information technology and e-sports industry.

This event, which will take place from 1 to 9 June 2024, will feature several of the most popular competition branches, such as Mobile Legends Bang-Bang and PUBGM. The series of activities held by the Udayana E-Sport Championship are school roadshows, selection of favorite brand ambassadors, technical meetings, opening of the event, online and offline matches, and finally the closing of the event. This event was attended by 95 teams, including 20 universities in Indonesia and 23 high schools/vocational schools in Bali.

At the opening of the event, Made Pasek Maesa Gautama, as Chair of the Committee, said that holding the Udayana E-Sport Championship was an answer to the problem of the lack of an adequate e-sports ecosystem. He explained that the Udayana E-Sport Championship was a forum and medium for future seeds. will show their talents so that there is appreciation and appreciation in creating a supportive ecosystem.

Meanwhile, the Udayana University BEM Representative, in his speech said that the Udayana E-Sport Championship is one of the activities of the Udayana University Student Executive Board to develop the potential and talents of students in the field of e-sports. This event also aims to promote the university as a center for education and research oriented towards information technology and the e-sports industry.

Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi, S.IP., M.A., as Secretary of the Ormawa Development Unit (UPO) of Udayana University representing the rectorate of Udayana University also attended this event. In his speech, he said that the Udayana E-Sport Championship is a golden opportunity to hone the skills of today's children so they don't just focus on academics. It is hoped that by holding this activity, in the future no one will think that e-sports are just games that take up time and provide no benefits.

This event was then continued with the beating of the gong as a symbol of the opening of the Udayana E-Sport Championship by the Secretary of the Ormawa Development Unit of Udayana University, Representatives of the Student Executive Board, as well as the Chief Executive of the Udayana E-Sport Championship Activities. 

On the day of the Udayana E-Sport Championship match, there are various series of events such as National and Regional MLBB team eliminations, National and Regional PUBGM team eliminations, National MLBB and PUBGM Finals which will be held online from June 1 to 6 2024.

The peak of the Udayana E-Sport Championsip event will be held offline on June 7 and 9 2024 at the Living World Denpasar Amphitheater. On the peak day, the Regional Category MLBB and PUBGM finals took place, where the schools that had qualified for the final round competed and fought for the title of "The Champion". Apart from that, at the peak of the event there was also the closing of the event and the awarding of the 2024 Udayana E-Sport Championship champions.