LAMEMBA Assessor Team Conducts Field Assessments in the D3 Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University

Denpasar - The Assessor Team of the Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Business Management and Accounting (LAMEMBA) carried out a field assessment in the context of accreditation of the Diploma III Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (Unud) which took place for two days, namely 27 and 28 June 2024. Opening of the assessment held at the MM Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Unud, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (27/6/2024).

Present at the opening ceremony were the Rector of Unud, Vice Rectors, Heads of Institutions, Heads of UPT and USDI, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business and staff, Senate, Study Program Coordinators, Professors, Lecturers, Alumni and other guests. Meanwhile, the Assessor Team present were Suryo Budi Santoso, SE., M.SA., Ph.D and Dr. Drs. Sumiadji, M.SA., Ak., CA.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech welcomed the assessors who were present at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University to carry out assessments of the Accounting Diploma III Study Program. The Rector further said that this accreditation is a necessity for how we measure the extent of our quality assurance both in study programs and in universities. One way to assess the indicators is through accreditation, whether quality assurance is actually running in the study program. It is hoped that the arrival of the Assessor for the third time will show the changes that have been made through the PPEPP which have been implemented. If PPEPP runs, we can be sure that the quality of our education will definitely be good.

"We are very committed, the leadership of Udayana University is very committed, we carry out AMI every year. So the Internal Quality Audit is to see whether SPMI is running in all the study programs we have," said the Rector.

Meanwhile, for external portraits, of course from SPME, where there is an accreditation where field assessments are currently being carried out. The Rector hopes that the results will be as expected, where through this assessment the assessor will see the results of the self-evaluation that has been carried out along with the evidence. The Rector believes that the leadership of the Faculty of Economics and Business has prepared this and hopefully the results achieved will be superior.

Meanwhile, Assessor Representative Suryo Budi Santoso, Ph.D, on this occasion said that through this assessment his party would photograph the Study Program and check its progress. Assessors also hope that the requested data can be facilitated, where during these two days the performance of the study program will be photographed.

The opening of the assessment ended with the reading of a statement of joint commitment by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Unud Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, Ph.D. Then it was continued with an interview agenda by the Assessor Team.