Commemorating World Environment Day, Udayana University Student Executive Board Holds World Environment Day 2024

Gianyar - Sunday (09/06/2024), the Udayana University Student Executive Board "Escalation of Udayana Cita" through the Department of Social and Environmental Affairs held Udayana University Student Executive Board activities with the theme "Clean, Restore, Protect the Earth". World Environment Day 2024 is an activity carried out to celebrate World Environment Day.

I Gusti Agung Ayu Ary Laksmi Mahadevi as Chair of the Committee for the 2024 World Environment Day activity said that the aim of holding this activity was to build a spirit of environmental care among students and invite the public to care about the surrounding environment.

World Environment Day 2024, which was held in Petak Kaja Village, Gianyar District, Gianyar Regency, was attended by representatives of the Rectorate of Udayana University, who in this case were represented by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University, the Head of Petak Kaja Village along with other village officials, STT, Ibu- Mrs. PKK, class V students of SD Negeri 2 Petak Kaja, as well as representatives from the 13 student bodies of the faculties at Udayana University.

Chairman of BEM Udayana University, I Wayan Tresna Suwardiana, in his speech said that World Environment Day 2024 is one of the applications of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially in the field of service. It is hoped that World Environment Day 2024 will help Petak Kaja Village in maintaining the environment and encourage people to care about the environment from an early age.

The Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, who on this occasion represented the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, in his speech said that World Environment Day 2024 must be participatory towards students, because students must return to society and serve according to the teachings of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in this event. World Environment Day 2024 is here as a concrete form of service. It is hoped that with the implementation of this event, people will have a higher sense of concern for the surrounding environment.

The next speech was delivered by Nyoman Payu, who in his speech, he hoped that World Environment Day 2024 activities would not only be for today, but would be sustainable and it was hoped that other students would also take part in serving in future opportunities.

The event then continued with the planting of kayon as a symbolic opening of World Environment Day 2024. After the opening ceremony was finished, the activity continued with clean up and reforestation carried out with class V students of SD Negeri 2 Petak Kaja. The seeds planted in this activity are Tabebuya tree seeds. Then, socialization was also carried out regarding 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and Ecoenzyme by inviting PKK and STT women from Petak Kaja Village. As a closing agenda, certificates and plaques were handed over to the winners of the 2024 World Environment Day Poster Design Competition and continued with the removal of the kayon which marked the official closure of the 2024 World Environment Day activities.