Rector of Udayana University Conducts Audience at the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Denpasar

Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana accompanied by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika and the Director of the Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) Unud held an audience at the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Denpasar, Friday (7/6/2024). On this occasion, the Rector was received directly by the Consul General, Mr. Zhang Zhisheng was accompanied by Deputy Consul General Ms. Zhu Yu. Also taking part in the audience were representatives of the Bali Provincial Government.

This hearing was to follow up on the visit of the Udayana University group together with the Bali Provincial Government to Jiangxi China some time ago. There were several things discussed at the meeting, namely regarding the Chinese government's cooperation with Indonesia, especially regarding the education sector. The Consul General wants to facilitate this collaboration, one of which is in the maritime sector, considering that universities in China have similarities to the faculties at Unud.

The Consulate General also has an Instagram social media platform that can be accessed by the public and provides challenges with attractive prizes such as facilitated travel to China. The Consul hopes that this platform can be disseminated especially to Unud students.

On this occasion, the Rector of Unud said that Unud already had collaborations with various universities in China and that his party wanted to develop this collaboration in various fields and hoped that many Unud academics could be given the opportunity to study in China. The Rector also invited the Consul to give a public lecture at Udayana University.