134 Udayana University PPPK for Fiscal Year 2023 Receive Decision Letters and Sign Work Agreements

Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance at Udayana University, Prof. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana opened the event for the Submission of Decree and Signing of Government Employee Employment Agreements with Employment Agreements (PPPK) for Fiscal Year 2023 on Tuesday (4/6/2024) at the Nation Room, Udayana University Rectorate Building.

Udayana University (Unud) is a BLU PTN which has types of personnel/HR, namely: ASN (PNS and PPPK) and Non ASN (Permanent BLU, Contract). PPPK 2023 is the second appointment at Udayana University, which was previously procured in 2022.

In his speech, the Vice Rector congratulated the PPPKs who were present because they had passed various stages of selection starting from Administrative Selection, Basic Competency Selection (SKD), Field Competency Selection (SKB) and finally NIP filing, to further serve themselves in government agencies in particular at Udayana University. He also reminded PPPKs that as PPPK ASNs who work in government agencies, they must always work by following the applicable regulations.

It is hoped that if there is a problem, all PPPKs will convey the problem internally at Unud, in a tiered/structural manner starting from the superiors by prioritizing dialogue or deliberation methods in accordance with the state philosophy that we adhere to, namely Pancasila. Likewise, currently in the era of social media, it is also hoped that you will be wise in using social media.

There are 138 PPPK appointments for 2023, but in the first stage only 134 people were appointed by the Minister and the remaining 4 people are still being proposed for improvements to the BKN Pertek by the Ministry. Of the 134 people who were invited today to submit the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology regarding the Appointment of PPPK, they consisted of: PPPK in the Unud Hospital Work Unit, 120 people, PPPK in the Unud Clinic Work Unit, 10 people, PPPK in the Work Unit There are 2 people at the Library UPT, 1 person at the ICT/USDI UPT Work Unit and 1 person at the Integrated Lab UPT Work Unit.