Udayana University Student Representative Council Holds Angkringan Berdialog

Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University (Unud), Prof. Ketut Sudarsana, opened the Angkringan Berdialog activity on Friday (31/5/2024) at the Rectorate field of Udayana University, Jimbaran.
This activity was carried out by the Student Representative Council, Jagaradhyaksa Parliament, Udayana University. Inclusive activities involve the rector and students to discuss Udayana University's direction towards leadership transition.

The Rectorate leadership who was present as speakers was Prof. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana as Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana as Vice Rector for Student Affairs, and Prof. Semadi Antara as Head of the PTN-BH team. The 2024 Angkringan Berdialog has the theme "Udayana's Direction towards Leadership Transition: Will it Lead to Improvement or Decline". 

In his speech, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs welcomed the discussion activities between students and leaders with the hope that together they would get clear explanations and hoped that students could participate actively in conveying aspirations according to the themes prepared and getting solutions to the issues faced together.

The Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance is optimistic that the leadership transition at Udayana University will lead to progress and make Udayana University much better. This is also in line with what was conveyed by Prof. Semadi Antara is also optimistic that by holding PTN-BH status, Udayana University can make further progress in the future.