Udayana University Releases 30 Students and DPL MBKM to Build Independent Thematic Villages/KKN in Kemenuh Village and Sibang Kaja Village

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) is holding activities for the Release and Deployment of MBKM Students and Lecturers to Build Villages/Independent Thematic Real Work Lectures at Udayana University Period IV 2024 at the Hall of the Jimbaran Campus Library Building, Friday (31/5/2024). The official release and deployment was carried out by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Unud accompanied by the Chair and Secretary of the LPPM who was marked by wearing a name tag and a KKN hat.

Also present at the release were the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Engineering, Chair of LP3M, Secretary of the UPT Library, Study Program Coordinators and DPL. There are two villages where MBKM Village Development is implemented, namely Kemenuh Village and Sibang Kaja Village. The number of participants in the MBKM Building Villages was 30 students from the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Cultural Sciences who were divided into three groups, where each group had 10 members and involved 7 DPLs from Unud and 2 Village DPLs.

Chairman of LPPM Unud Prof. I Nyoman Suarsana in his speech, said that MBKM is an activity for one semester, but what is used is class hours, of which there are around 900 class hours. Specialization and provision are included in the assessment elements, including making proposals and then implementing activity programs in the village. Apart from that, there will also be evaluation, report preparation and dissemination. Students must also make reports, both progress reports and final reports. The Head of LPPM asked students to ensure that the activities carried out are also recorded on social media so that they are exposed to the community. At the end of the activity there will be an exam starting with monitoring and evaluation for 2 days.

"We really have to carry out this release process so that the SOP works and after the release we can go to the field," said the Head of LPPM Unud.

The LPPM Chair further said that this KKN is somewhat different from our regular KKN. When in the field, students are expected to be able to interact actively with the community in the village. The Head of LPPM also said that in the next period 14 more groups will be included and their proposals are being assessed, which are dominated by the Architecture Study Program. He hopes that DPL can provide as much guidance as possible so that undesirable things don't happen and MBKM activities can be in line with the expected goals and the Study Program Coordinator can ensure a minimum of 20 credits for students who graduate.

Meanwhile the Vice Rector Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in his direction, expressed his appreciation to the faculty who had taken part in MBKM Building Villages. MBKM Building Villages/Thematic KKN is one of the Independent MBKM programs chosen by students among the programs launched by the Ministry which gives students the opportunity to study outside the study program for one semester which is recognized or converted to 20 credits. The nature of MBKM activities is to apply the knowledge gained in college and provide it to the community as a vehicle for practical knowledge.

"We have high hopes as parties involved in implementing the MBKM Village Building/Thematic KKN activity that it will really help its implementation well so that it becomes a practical learning medium for students," said the Vice Rector. 

The Vice Rector also hopes that DPL can carry out its duties as well as possible so that the implementation of this Thematic KKN activity is truly realized in accordance with our hopes, namely that students can increase their self-awareness of the realities of community life, increase their personal and social responsibility towards the realities of community life and of course facilitate empowerment. community in exploring the potential of their village to improve the welfare of the community itself.