Udayana University Holds ASN Mutation Socialization, Presenting Resource Persons from the State Civil Service Agency

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) through the Human Resources Section of the General Bureau held a Socialization on ASN Mutations regarding Promotion, Title Inclusion and Review of Years of Service at the Bangsa Room, Thursday (30/5/2024). This socialization presented resource persons from the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) and was attended by Heads of Bureaus, Vice Deans II of Faculties, Vice Director II of Postgraduate Program, Head of Human Resources at Unud Hospital, Administrative Coordinators and Sub-Coordinators, Faculty/Postgraduate Personnel Administration Staff and Unud HR Staff. The speakers for the socialization were Sri Widayanti, SH., MM as Director of Procurement and Rankings at BKN who joined online and the speakers for the BKN Mutation Team were Lasmaria Agustina, Setriani, Dedeh, Diah Hardiyanti and Fita Dea Fintia.

The socialization was opened directly by the Vice Rector for General and Finance Affairs, Prof. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana represented the Rector of Unud. In his speech, the Vice Rector said that with the promulgation of ASN Law Number 20 of 2023, which will later have derivatives from the ASN Law, during the transition period from ASN Law Number 5 of 2014 to ASN Law Number 20 of 2023, as ASN you need to know the derivative regulations from The ASN Law regulates promotions, assignment of titles, review of service periods. The latest regulations regarding promotions are State Civil Service Agency Regulation Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Periodization of Promotions for Civil Servants in Article 2 which states "Periods for Promotion of Civil Servants are set on February 1, April 1, June 1, August 1, October 1 and December 1 every year. , except Posthumous Promotion and Service Promotion".

ASN mutation does not only regulate the transfer of ASN from one work unit/agency to another work unit/agency, but changes in rank, position and educational status are also mutations. Providing technical approval for promotions, review of service periods and other transfers is one of the functions of the Directorate of Procurement and Ranks of the State Civil Service Agency.

Unud, one of the work units in the Ministry of Education and Culture, has had problems related to proposals for promotions, title assignments, reviews of work periods, especially with the issuance of PermenpanRB Regulation Number 1 of 2023 and BKN Regulation Number 3 of 2023. In the April period there were almost 400 proposals for promotions to lecturers with using PAK Integration where when proposing a promotion, the educational data on SIASN is not updated because it does not propose to include a degree, as well as the obligation for lecturers to have at least a master's degree but not update their educational history on SIASN BKN. Another problem in the recruitment of civil servants is that there are CPNS whose curriculum vitae lists have work experience that requires adjustments to their civil servant work period and the proposal for a review of the work period submitted is rejected after being verified at BKN.

"From these problems, today we need to provide socialization on the rules for promotion, title assignment and length of service review. Apart from the socialization, we will also provide assistance to personnel administrators in work units regarding rejected proposals," said Prof. Wiksuana.

The Vice Rector hopes that by holding this activity, all ASN, especially civil servants, will be able to listen to the material and mentoring and be able to understand the rules for promotion, title assignment and review of length of service to recognize the validity of civil servant administration at the State Civil Service Agency. He also expressed his appreciation to the BKN Procurement and Rank Directorate Team for sharing knowledge at Udayana University so that incomplete documents could be completed.

The material presented in the socialization includes promotion, inclusion of civil servant educational degrees, review of length of service. This socialization material can be watched again on the UdayanaTV YouTube account.