Bina Desa Petulu, Udayana University Collaborates with LBH Bali WCC to Hold Paralegal Training

MBKM Bina Petulu Village, Udayana University (Unud) collaborates with LBH Bali WCC to hold Petulu Village Paralegal Training. This activity was held for 3 days, namely from 24 to 26 May 2024, at Balai Banjar Nagi, Petulu Village, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency.

This Paralegal training aims to increase people's understanding of the law and provide skills in handling legal problems in a non-litigation manner. This training was also carried out to produce competent paralegals from the Petulu Village community, who would later form a Legal Aid Group for Petulu Village Paralegals to provide non-litigation legal assistance to the Petulu Village community.

This paralegal training was attended by dozens of participants of various ages and most of them were Bendesa, Kelian Dinas and Kelian Adat from Petulu Village. During the 3 days of activities, participants gained an in-depth understanding of the legal system in Indonesia and were also given several cases to discuss together.

Also present and giving a speech and opening this event was Alexander Palti, S.H., M.H. as Head of the Legal and Human Rights Services Division of the Bali Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, who in his speech contained prayers and hopes for the smooth implementation of the activity and it was hoped that the activity participants would be able to implement their knowledge to help the community in the legal field. Also present was Dr. Made Gede Subha Karma Resen, S.H., M.Kn. (Coordinator of the Undergraduate Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Unud), Cokorda Agung Satiadarma (Petulu Village Headquarters), Ni Nengah Budawati, S.H., M.H. (Director of LBH Bali WCC).

The organizers of the MBKM Bina Desa Petulu activity, which consists of 15 people, would like to thank all the elements who have helped in this implementation, especially to LBH Bali WCC who have helped provide this training, as well as to the people of Petulu Village who have been enthusiastic about becoming participants.