In a Series of Freedom to Learn Months, Udayana University Holds a Workshop on Strengthening the Collaboration Ecosystem in the Implementation of MBKM

In commemoration of National Education Day (Hardiknas) in 2024 as well as enlivening the Free Learning Month, Udayana University through the Student Affairs Bureau held a workshop with the theme "Strengthening the Collaborative Ecosystem in the Implementation of Free Learning on the Independent Campus" at the Bali BPMP Hall. Monday, (27/5/24). This workshop was officially opened by the Secretary of the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) of Udayana University (Unud) Dr. Ni Ketut Arismayanti, SST.Par., M.Par., and attended by around 230 students from Udayana University.

Dr. Ni Ketut Arismayanti, SST.Par., M.Par as Secretary of Merdeka Belajar Campus Merdeka Udayana University in this case said that the momentum of the month of Merdeka Belajar in commemoration of National Education Day 2024 which takes the theme "Moving Together to Continue Freedom of Learning" is a form of a concrete manifestation of implementing the freedom of learning launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Apart from that, Merdeka Belajar is a concept to provide freedom and independence in the teaching and learning process which aims to enthusiastically invite and involve more people and other stakeholders to be actively involved in advancing education in order to create a golden generation by strengthening all units to create better education. good, quality, and global competitiveness. The Freedom to Learn Movement has brought about many transformations in the world of Indonesian education. All of this requires courage to change and sincerity to continue moving towards the future from all stakeholders in the world of education. 

"Hopefully we can always strengthen synergy and collaboration, creating moments to continue to innovate for the progress of the nation. Through this activity, we invite everyone to make the 2024 National Education Day commemoration a momentum to celebrate achievements, as well as live up to the bright dreams and aspirations of Indonesian children, our dreams and hopes for a Golden Indonesia. "We will achieve all of this together by continuing to move simultaneously to continue Merdeka Belajar," said the Secretary of Merdeka Belajar, Merdeka Campus, Udayana University.

This workshop presented two speakers, namely Dr. Handito Joewono from the Exploration School who presented material entitled "IDUKA Collaboration in the Independent Campus Program" and Dela Ema Nurdiana, S.T, from Bali Province BPBD Disaster Risk Reduction Analysis who presented material entitled "Collaboration in the Implementation of Social Humanitarian Disaster Mitigation Projects in Merdeka Belajar Independent Campus (MBKM)".