AGAA and Bali Province Disaster Risk Reduction Forum Hold SPAB Workshop at SDN 3 Sebudi, Selat, Karangasem

Team AGAA (Astungkara Giri Agung Aman) which is an alliance between MFRI Japan, Gadjah Mada University, Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (FPRB) Bali Province and Udayana University (Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Tourism), as well as BPBD Karangasem Regency held a 3 day Workshop (20- 22 May 2024) entitled Initiation and Strengthening of SPAB at SDN 3 Sebudi, Selat, Karangasem sponsored by the Japanese Government through JICA. The workshop, which was attended by teachers from the school, was facilitated by Putu Sutawijaya and Dewi Reny Anggraeni from the Bali Disaster Risk Reduction Forum. 

The Disaster Safe Education Unit Program (SPAB) is an effort to prevent and manage the impact of disasters on educational units. The implementation of the SPAB program is regulated through Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 33/2019 concerning Implementation of the SPAB Program.

I Putu Sutawijaya explained that a comprehensive SPAB framework has four main components, including cross-sectoral foundations and three intersecting pillars. "Each component is differentiated by a specific scope, actors, responsibilities and strategies," he said.

The three pillars of SPAB, namely: Pillar 1: Safer Learning Facilities, Pillar 2: Disaster Management in Schools and Continuity of Education, Pillar 3: Risk Reduction and Resilience Education.

The foundation of the Comprehensive SPAB Framework focuses on strengthening resilience systemically. This includes conducive systems and policies that aim to: protect the safety, health and welfare of all school residents; provide effective educational continuity measures; protect education sector investments; and promote a culture of security and resilience. A risk-based policy and planning approach is used to improve equity, prevent and reduce risks, and increase capacity.

In Bali Province itself, it has started implementing disaster education training activities at school level from 2006 independently by NGOs and organizations related to disaster risk reduction until now. At that time it was not yet called SPAB. Officially, Bali Province BPBD began implementing disaster education and training activities at the school level from 2013. Since the issuance of regulations from Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 33 of 2019, disaster education and training activities at the school level are called SPAB.

The Selat District Supervisor, a representative from Disdikpora, expressed his hope that similar activities could be continued by other schools in Karangasem Regency. 

Perbekel Sebudi, I Nyoman Just expressed his concerns regarding the 2017 eruption, there is still a lot of homework that needs to be addressed, "2017 is still just a dress rehearsal, not yet a dress rehearsal or big event. "It is hoped that training and learning from an early age can equip our children to face eruption disasters in the future," he said.

SPAB activities will continue on June 3-4 to test the results on students. Simulation trials and all SOP documents, disaster preparedness teams and evacuation plans at schools.

Head of the Center for Disaster Studies (PSB) Udayana University, Prof. I Nyoman Sutarja, added that collaboration with FPRB Bali wanted to be strengthened so that SPAB activities in Sebudi could become a model to be expanded in other places. In terms of infrastructure mitigation, I am of the opinion that there should be more construction of check/sabo dams to deal with the risk of lava floods.