Udayana University International Affairs Office Provides Provisions for 23 2024 IISMA Awardees

Denpasar - The International Affairs Office (KUI) of Udayana University provided debriefing and medical tests to 23 Awardees of IISMA (Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards) & IISMAVO (Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards Vocational Edition) 2024 at the KUI Seminar Room, Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (28/3/2024). Briefing was provided by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Sharing Session by 2023 IISMA Alumni.

KUI Unud Coordinator Senja Pratiwi, Ph.D in his report said that the 2024 IISMA selection began with socialization in October 2023 where a sharing session was held for students and interest at that time was very large. Then another sharing session was held to provide more massive information so that all students could find out information related to IISMA by holding a roadshow to 13 faculties at Udayana University and this was a new breakthrough from KUI. The response from the Faculty was very good considering the number of students who attended.

In January 2024 there were 124 applicants who submitted documents. After the screening process at KUI and at the Center as well as conducting interview tests and diversity tests, there were only 56 who could take part in the next interview process. Of the 56 who passed, 23 students were selected who could become IISMA 2024 Awardees and this was an increase from the previous year which was only 14 students. During this debriefing, physical and psychological health tests were also carried out by Unud Hospital to avoid undesirable things.

Through this opportunity, the KUI Coordinator also appreciated the university leadership and all parties who have supported the IISMA program. Apart from that, we also ask that the Awardees will be able to comply with all the rules from Unud, Central IISMA and the destination University.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his direction expressed his pride for the achievements at IISMA this year. The Vice Rector appreciated the outreach that KUI had carried out to faculties so that the number of Awardees this year increased. The Vice Rector asked the Awardees to make the best use of this opportunity and to study as much as possible there, not only academically but also non-academicly by interacting and collaborating. After returning home, it is hoped that the Awardees will bring many good things to improve their abilities and develop them in Indonesia.

The Awardees are Gusti Agung Arya Wedanta Himawan (Faculty of Law) University of Manchester, Vanessa Ligan (Faculty of Economics and Business) Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Nolana Vania Gitta (Faculty of Cultural Sciences) University of Melbourne, Ni Wayan Putri Oktaviani (Faculty of Cultural Sciences) Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania, Ni Luh Putu Sonia Pranatali Krisanti (Faculty of Medicine) University of Pecs Hungary, Ni Putu Putri Anggina Sari (Faculty of Economics and Business) National Sun Yat-Sen University Taiwan, Manuella Waya Salangka (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) University of Padua Italy, Ludwina Zevania (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Komang Kinasti Ambaratri (Faculty of Cultural Sciences) Humboldt-Univesitat zu Berlin Germany, Kanya Kobhita Yasari Wibawa (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) Mahidol University Thailand, Janice Stevenson Mustaine (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) Sopienza University of Rome Italy, I Made Pasek Pramadita Swarsa (Faculty of Cultural Sciences) Australian National University Australia, Ilham Suryo Anandito (Faculty of Economics and Business) Palacky University Olomouc Czech, I Putu Esa Satria Gunada (Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science) Maastricht University Netherlands, I Gusti Ngurah Agung Ishwareshwara Hariwarma (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia, I Kadek Harly Mahardikza (Faculty of Cultural Sciences) University of Sydney Australia, I Gusti Agung Kharisma Putri (Faculty of Law) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Netherlands, I Gusti Agung Bayunda Sunar Jayendra (Faculty of Tourism) Tomsk State University Russia, Gusti Ngurah Satya Bagus Partama (Faculty of Engineering) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Ferdimas Abrar (Faculty of Economics and Business) Saint Petersburg State University Russia, Felicia Augustine ( Faculty of Cultural Sciences) Charles University Czech, Deasy Natalia Marena Br Napitupulu (Faculty of Engineering) National Cheng Kung University Taiwan, and Belinda Putri Prasanti (Faculty of Engineering) RUDN University Russia.