Towards a Legal Entity University, Udayana University Holds Ecotourism Scouting Training and Certification

Denpasar, Bali – In the process of transforming Public Service Agency State Universities (PTN-BLU) into Legal Entity State Universities (PTN-BH), Udayana University (Unud) is increasing the understanding and competence of human resources in the tourism sector. Through the State University Revitalization Program, the Faculty of Tourism in collaboration with the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) LSP Parindo is holding Ecotourism Scouting Training and Certification at the Puri Saron Hotel, starting from 25 to 27 March 2024.

This training is designed to provide essential knowledge and skills related to ecotourism scouting, with a focus on collaboration with colleagues and customers, working in diverse social environments, and developing ecotourism knowledge. In addition, participants are taught how to operate ecotourism trips, prepare and present ecotourism information, and implement tourism activities that contribute to the environment and socio-culture.

This activity was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Unud Dr. I Wayan Suardana, SST.Par., M.Par. In his speech, he said that this activity was a form of implementation in preparing Unud's human resources as a legal entity university where one of its missions is to become a university that has unique characteristics and local wisdom, namely tourism and culture.

Training and certification activities were held for three days, attended by 52 lecturers from 13 faculties at Udayana University. Various materials were presented by academics from Udayana University and also PPLP Mapindo. There are several topics that are discussed in the training, such as collaborating with colleagues (tourists), working in diverse social environments, working as an ecotourism guide, operating ecotourism information, and implementing tourism activities that contribute to the environment and socio-culture. Specifically, the third day was filled with the pre-assessment evaluation process, written test, oral question test, practical/demonstration assignments, and assessment evaluation which was then closed with the announcement of the assessment decision by LSP PARINDO ASSESSOR BNSP.