Udayana University Professional Certification Institute Attends APPI National Seminar

The Professional Certification Institute (LSP) of Udayana University (Unud) attended the invitation to the National Seminar of the Association of Indonesian Financing Companies (APPI) - Growing in the Regulations of the P2SK Law on March 8 2024, which was held at the Ballroom of the Anvaya Hotel, Kuta.

Six assessors for Scheme 5, Financing Sector representing Udayana University LSP. Also present was University representative Dr. Soetomo, Hasanuddin University, PGRI Kanjuruhan University fulfilled the invitation of the Indonesian Financing Certification Institute and the Association of Indonesian Financing Companies (APPI).

It is hoped that in the future the existing cooperative relations can further develop and be improved for the benefit of the parties.