Rector of Udayana University Receives Audience from Kaimana Regent, Discusses Education and Development of Tourism Potential in Kaimana

Jimbaran - Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana accompanied by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information received an audience from the Regent of Kaimana and the Regional Secretary and staff at the Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Tuesday (19/3/2024). Also present in the audience were the Chair of LP3M, Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Tourism as well as the Chair and Team of PUI Tourism.

Kaimana Regent Freddy Thie on this occasion said that there were several collaborations that were already underway between Kaimana Regency and Udayana University, including with the Faculty of Medicine, namely sending residents which is still ongoing today, then from the Faculty of Tourism regarding tourism. They hope that there will be a permanent doctor who can be assigned to Kaimana Regency.

Through this audience, the Regent also hopes that Kaimana's children can be given the opportunity to take medical education and those who are already general practitioners can go to specialist doctors at Udayana University. Then, with regard to tourism, the party has also tried to raise existing potentials through innovation and investment, but nothing has yet entered the national and local market. It is hoped that Unud can provide input on steps that can be taken and have a third party network that can help with this.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana welcomed the presence of the Regent of Kaimana in order to increase the cooperation that has been carried out for the progress of their respective institutions. Through this opportunity, the Rector invited Unud to utilize the staff to help develop tourism in Kaimana. Regarding education, this can be done through institutional cooperation for local people who want to serve back to their region for equal distribution of human resources in Indonesia. Apart from that, there is an opportunity for Unud to collaborate with the regional government in collaborating with universities there to develop PSDKU.