Strengthening the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Udayana University Holds Public Lecture on Entrepreneurship 2024

The Udayana University (Unud) Student Affairs Bureau is holding the 2024 Entrepreneurship Public Lecture in a hybrid manner with an offline location at the Postgraduate Hall of the Unud Denpasar Campus, Saturday (24/02/2023). This public lecture took the theme "Strengthening the Udayana University Entrepreneurship Ecosystem".

Head of Unud Entrepreneurship Development Unit, Dr. Ni Putu Sutramiani, S.Kom., M.T. in his report stated that this activity is an annual routine activity of the Entrepreneurship Unit of the Student Affairs Bureau, where this public lecture is the first step to taking part in activities every year.

The number of participants who have registered is 943 participants who took part online and 101 participants who took part offline, so that approximately the total number of participants who took part in this activity is more than 1000 students.

"From this, it can be seen that the enthusiasm of Udayana University students in participating in entrepreneurial activities is increasing every year, and from year to year there is always an increase in the number of entrepreneurial students," said the Head of the Entrepreneurship Unit.

This public lecture activity will end with a coaching proposal which will be guided by one of the resource persons, where this coaching proposal is the initial stage for participating in the P2MW program organized by Belmawa.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, S.T., Ph.D. In his speech, he said that the implementation of this general entrepreneurship lecture was very relevant to the efforts that had been made by Udayana University to improve the entrepreneurial spirit of students. Through entrepreneurship learning, it is hoped that it can provide provisions for students to develop soft skills to answer problems and challenges in society through developing new innovations in entrepreneurship.

Udayana University itself has built an entrepreneurial ecosystem from the curriculum, where every study program has entrepreneurship courses and many entrepreneurial development activities through MBKM activities and achievement events such as P2MW, KBMI EXPO, and the Student Creativity Program.

"If this entrepreneurial activity is well developed, new business units will be created as income generators at Udayana University which can then be synergized with the business incubator that has been developed at Udayana University, then it can be further developed into new start-ups or new businesses and finally "After graduating from Udayan University, students will have businesses," said the Vice Rector.

Two speakers were present at this public lecture, namely Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, S.T., M.Sc. with material on Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Higher Education through the Independent Entrepreneurship Program and Jacob Win, S.T., S.Kom., M.Kom. with material on Strategies for Strengthening Entrepreneurship Through P2MW Funding 2024.