Socialization of Ketaspenan & Mantap Bank Products for Udayana University State Civil Apparatus Entering Retirement Age

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) collaborated with PT Taspen and Mandiri Taspen to organize "SOCIALIZATION OF KETASPENAN & SURE BANK PRODUCTS" for Udayana University State Civil Apparatus (ASN) who are entering the Retirement Age Limit (BUP) in 2024 at the Hall of the Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Monday (19/2/2024). This socialization presented two speakers, namely PT Taspen Service Manager Hasan Achmad and Bank Mandiri Taspen Melati Denpasar Branch Head Sugiyanto.

Head of the General Bureau of Udayana University, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, in her speech said that this activity was attended by Education Staff and Lecturers who will enter full service in 2024. We know that in order to retire, there are several things that must be prepared and through this socialization of course they can be prepared beforehand. The previous year, Bank Mandiri Taspen (Bank Mantap) also carried out socialization, besides that there were also other banks. Later, retired ASNs can choose which bank can provide the best facilities, convenience and service.

Through this outreach activity, it is hoped that the resource person will be able to provide information regarding the products owned by Taspen and also Bank Mantap as well as things that need to be prepared when entering retirement age. So that later, after retirement, there will be no difficulty in preparing administration and pension funds can go directly into your account.

"We from the leadership can only hope that Taspen products and also Bank Mantap products can provide services to those of us who are about to retire, and not just now," said the Bureau Head.

The speaker from PT Taspen in his material said that PT Taspen (Persero) is a BUMN which has been tasked by the Indonesian Government to manage the Social Security program for State Civil Apparatus, State Officials, PPPK and Honorary Personnel in Government Agencies. Has 57 Branch Offices and 44 Paying Partners as well as Business Groups namely Taspen Life, Taspen Property and Mandiri Taspen. As a social security provider, PT Taspen (Persero) has 4 products, namely Pension, Old Age Savings (THT), Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Insurance (JKM). PT Taspen has also carried out service innovations including Digitalization of Pension Payments, Taspen One Hour Online Service (TOOS) and also several other programs.

Meanwhile, the speaker from Bank Mantap in their material explained the superior services they have, including stable pension services, Bank Mantap services, customer visit services, mobile cash car services, E-Authentication, Mantap Mobile, ATM services, Call Center services and others.