Udayana University Library Collaborates with Bentang Pustaka Publisher to Hold Book Talk and Fiction Writing Activities

Udayana University (Unud) Library in collaboration with publisher Bentang Pustaka, Yogyakarta held a Book Talk and Fiction Writing activity, Monday (12/02/2024) at the Priyono Room, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University. This activity was attended by 80 participants consisting of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students from Udayana University, and several students from universities in Bali, librarians and library staff.

The speaker who attended the Book Talk and Fiction Writing was the author of the novel "Racun Puan", Ni Nyoman Ayu Suciarini. The novel has received the award "Script that attracts the attention of the jury in the 2021 Jakarta Arts Council Novel Competition".

Head of Udayana University Library, Dr. Ida Ayu Laksmita Sari welcomed the collaboration which was initially initiated by Bentang Pustaka and also the resource person who is a writer from Bali. This Book Talking and Fiction Writing activity is indeed one of the main programs of Unud Library in the academic field, in line with Unud's efforts to improve reading culture and literacy. Fiction writing training activities like this will also be very beneficial for the Udayana University academic community who want to develop their careers as fiction writers, both novels and other literary works.

Representative of PT Bentang Pustaka, Dilla, stated that his party is committed to continuing to contribute to advancing the world of literacy in Indonesia by publishing quality books. The aims of this fiction writing class include increasing interest in reading and literacy among students, to be able to motivate students to work through various available platforms, and to make writing skills a habit for discovering self-identity.