Faculty of Medicine of Unud Collaborates with INCAAM, PERSANDI and IDI Again Holds National Symposium and Workshop in Anti-Aging Medicine

The 2024 National Symposium and Workshop in Anti-Aging Medicine (NASWAAM) was held again at the Ballroom of the Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur, 2 to 4 February 2024. NASWAAM 2024 took the theme Comprehensive Management in Anti-Aging Medicine which was held in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Unud) with INCAAM, PERSANDI and IDI. This activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information on behalf of the Rector of Unud.

Chairman of the Committee Prof. Dr. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And-KSAAM in his report said that this activity is an annual event and this year there were 200 participants from various cities throughout Indonesia. In this activity which lasts for three days, he believes everyone will be reminded of topics related to the concept of Anti-Aging Medicine.

"Everyone needs our professionalism in how to overcome the aging process so that it can be returned to its initial condition as when we were still physiologically young and that will have a big impact on our quality of life as a nation," said the Chair of the Committee.

Meanwhile the Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes in his speech expressed the hope that all participants would gain very important benefits from participating in this activity. Through this activity we meet and discuss the development of Anti-Aging Medicine. As is also known, Unud was the first university to initiate an Anti-Aging Medicine program under the hard work of Prof. Wimpie and the ranks.

The Vice Rector expressed his appreciation for organizing this activity which is carried out regularly every year and presents participants from all over Indonesia. The important thing is that with Anti-Aging Medicine, this study program actually plays a very strong role for Udayana University. The Vice Rector hopes that this program can continue to be developed.