The Rector of Udayana University was present as a resource person in the #ForIndonesia to Choose Smartly

Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana was present as one of the speakers in the activity held by detikcom entitled #For SmartIndonesia to Choose which took place at the Aston Denpasar Hotel Ballroom, Thursday (1/2/2024). #DemiIndonesia is a collaboration event between detikcom and the Ministry of Communication and Information which aims to educate the public to become smart voters, so that it will produce quality leaders.

This activity featured the keynote speaker, Expert Staff of the Minister of Communication and Information for Social, Economic and Cultural Affairs, R. Wijaya Kusumawardhana. Apart from the Rector of Udayana University, this activity, which was packaged in the form of a talk show, also presented four other speakers consisting of the Chairman of the Bali KPU, Dewa Agung Gede Lidartawan, the Chairman of the Bali Bawaslu I Putu Agus Tirta Suguna, Pamen, Expert in Legal and Military Affairs at Kodam IX/Udayana, Colonel Kav TNI Joni Harianto G , and Head of the Bali Police Operations Bureau, Commissioner Soelistijono. Participants who attended this activity came from various groups such as students, academics, youth communities, professionals, UKM players and the general public.

Expert Staff to the Minister of Communication and Information, R. Wijaya Kusumawardhana, said that the number of voters in 2024 was recorded at 204.8 million people and this number increased by 12 percent from the number of voters five years ago. Meanwhile, we also know that this group of novice voters is the dominant group with a portion of around 56.5 percent of the total number of voters. The 2024 election will be a historic milestone for all of us because it will elect leaders at both the national and regional levels simultaneously. We must remember that there is one important thing in choosing that the leader who will be elected will be determined by the quality of the voters. Substantial elections are elections that produce leaders who have legitimacy to achieve better welfare of the Indonesian people. Substantial elections are characterized by a large number of intelligent voters, where intelligent voters will be able to choose quality leaders.

Alfito Deannova Gintings, Editor-in-Chief of detikcom and moderator of this activity, said that Denpasar is the 8th city to carry out the activity which has been taking place since 2022. Through this activity, his party has invited resource persons to provide ideas and related information about things that need to be done. Anticipate together, things that could disrupt things and what we can do together, so that the elections run well in Bali and produce quality results.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Suardana in this activity was about the role of campuses in the 2024 Election, where many students were MBKM interns at both the KPU and Bawaslu and in one semester they carried out activities related to the general election. This is one of our roles in higher education in the context of this election. The another role is providing speakers that related to elections from Faculty of Social Science and Political Science and the Faculty of Law. Student organizations also carry out activities by inviting the KPU and Bawaslu to increase their understanding regarding the 2024 elections.

On this occasion, the Chairman of the Bali KPU said that all the logistics were in Bali and that his party was ready, with the target being that at least 80 percent of voters would be present at the TPS. In addition, an evaluation has been carried out to anticipate various potential problems that may occur during the election process. Meanwhile, the TNI and Polri have worked together to secure the elections in Bali Province.