Udayana University International Affairs Office Winter Camp was Attended by 53 Participants from 4 Universities in China

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) through the Office of International Affairs (KUI) is holding Winter Camp Programs 2024. This is the first time KUI Unud has held a Winter Camp program, where this program was prepared in order to support internationalization and also as an implementation of the signing of the MoU between Udayana University and Nanchang University, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University of Urban Construction, and Shandong Jianzhu University. The Winter Camp, which will last for a week, namely 22 to 27 January 2024, will be attended by 53 participants consisting of 50 students and 3 lecturers.

KUI Unud Coordinator Senja Pratiwi, Ph.D said that this program was planned for November 2023, initially only targeting 15 participants. However, after the promotion was carried out for less than a month, the result was that more than 80 students were interested, but due to several administrative difficulties in making passports experienced by students, only 50 people were finally able to take part in this Winter Camp activity.

"We are very grateful that the number of students who are interested and participating far exceeds our initial estimates. This is proof that this activity is interesting and beneficial for students," said Senja Pratiwi.

This Winter Camp is carried out by balancing teaching and learning activities inside and outside the classroom. During one week there are three types of student activities while in Bali: classroom learning activities regarding the history of China-Indonesia diplomatic relations) and communication in English and Indonesian); cultural activities where students are taught the basics of Balinese dance, Balinese script and making gebogan fruit, flowers and canang sari. For leisure activities, students will be invited to the Old House in Marga Village, Bedugul Botanical Garden, Ulun Danu Temple. Overall, Winter Camp activities offer a unique artistic and cultural approach to encourage the development of students' academic and social skills, development of communication skills, as well as dance and creative arts skills.

He hopes that this program will create unforgettable memories for students and can contribute to students' holistic development. In essence, the Winter Camp Program provides an enriching and holistic platform where students learn and develop various skills, build friendships, and create memories for the students who participate in it.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that the goal of Udayana University is to achieve a World Class University, and internationalization is one of the programs to achieve this goal. This collaboration with 4 educational institutions in China is also part of the internationalization of Udayana University which has a significant impact, especially in terms of cultural exchange between the two countries. The Rector appreciated all participants and universities who participated in this event to increase capacity in international development and contribution to Udayana University. Many activities, both indoor and outdoor, have been prepared by the International Office and we hope that participants will enjoy them and get many benefits from this program.

"We are grateful for the extraordinary support and hard work of the International Affairs Office of Udayana University in terms of encouraging international cooperation. This is the first Winter Camp event organized by the International Office of Udayana University and we hope that more international students will come to Udayana University "not only for Winter Camp, Summer Camp and other international programs, with participants coming from various countries," said the Rector.