Udayana University Abuan Village Development MBKM Students Create Bio-Urine Product Innovations and Register the Village's Intellectual Property

Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau is again holding the Mandiri Bina Desa Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM), the series of which has started in February 2023. This year Udayana University is funding a total of 8 proposals that have been submitted by 8 teams. One of the 8 teams is the Abuan Village Development Team which is located in Abuan Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency. The Abuan Village Development Team raised agricultural issues, especially orange plantations, which were the main problem in the proposal submitted. As is known, Kintamani is one of the orange supplier areas in Bali Province.

The initial research and survey process has been carried out by the Abuan Village Development Team since March 2023 and in-depth research has been carried out since August-September 2023. Based on the results of simple research and surveys, the Abuan Village Development Team received information that there was a decline in the quality of orange trees which affected their productivity. Information obtained from several related informants gave rise to the hypothesis that the decline in the quality of orange trees was caused by soil content. With these problems, the Abuan Village Development Team came up with the idea of ​​a land health program using bio-urine media as liquid fertilizer to improve the quality of land that tends to be damaged so that it can be more productive. The Village Development Team started implementing MBKM Village Development in September by focusing on main problems and also other social aspects.

In the implementation of the main program, namely land health using bio-urine, it was carried out on a demonstration plot of 1 acre and began with modifications to the cow pen which was used as the main means of obtaining bio-urine products. The process of land health using bio-urine media over a period of 2 months, eight bio-urine waterings were carried out on the pilot land regularly, land changes began to be seen which were analyzed through several indicators of soil properties, namely biological, physical and chemical properties with the ratio of the soil. not splashed with bio-urine. Through analysis of several indicators of soil properties, it can be concluded that based on the diversity of living soil species, physical characteristics and soil structure, as well as soil chemical reactivity, land that uses bio-urine for land sanitation is classified as fertile compared to land that does not use bio-urine.

Apart from making efforts to restore land, the Abuan Village Development Team is also trying to apply for registration of Communal Intellectual Property from the culture in Abuan Village. Starting with gathering information through several informants such as the community, stakeholders and traditional village heads of Abuan Village. Until finally the Abuan Village Development Team succeeded in recording the culture in Abuan Village, namely the Rejang Khayang Dance, as Communal Intellectual Property.

"As the Perbekel in Abuan Village, I certainly really appreciate the efforts that have been made by the Bina Desa students. Moreover, with this recording, this is an extraordinary thing because it is an effort to preserve culture," said the Perbekel of Abuan Village in interview opportunity.

I Gusti Ngurah Made Prabhaswara as deputy head of the Abuan Village Development Team also added that as Head of the Culture Department of BEM Udayana University in 2023, who happens to be part of the Abuan Village Development Team, he really wants each region to be able to record its unique regional culture. The Rejang Khayang dance in particular is one of the 50 cultures that we at BEM have recorded during the 2023 period.

Apart from the main programs related to agriculture, the Abuan Village Development Team also carries out village assistance work programs to get closer to the community and learn more about the conditions and lives of Abuan Village residents. There are three village work programs that the Abuan Village Development Team has assisted, namely Posyandu for toddlers, adults and the elderly, Training on Making Complementary Food for Breast Milk (MPASI), and Youth Posyandu.