Officially Closed, Udayana University's Batch 3 Merdeka Student Exchange Students Return to Their Home Universities

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) held the Closing of the Independent Student Exchange (PMM) Inbound Class 3 of 2023 at the Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Wednesday (3/1/2024). The closing of PMM Inbound 3 was marked by the re-dressing of the original university's alma mater jacket to the PMM student representatives by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Unud. In this activity, PMM students also performed group dances and vocals using regional clothing.

Unud PMM Inbound Batch 3 Coordinator representing the Head of MBKM Unit Prof. Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini in her report said that statistically initially Unud's inbound students came from 102 universities with a total of 192 students, but 7 students withdrew so that the current number of students is 185 students from 98 universities. Judging from the regional distribution, PMM 3 students come from 25 provinces, 7 islands with the highest origin from Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. Based on the study program, inbound PMM 3 students are spread across 7 study programs according to the origin of the Nusantara Module Lecturer Study Program, namely Biology, Psychology, Chemistry, Hospitality Management, Agriculture, Architecture and Industrial Engineering.

"Until now, students have completed the Nusantara Module activities in the form of diversity, reflection, inspiration and social contribution activities and most of them have completed regular lectures and taken the final semester exams," he said.

He further said that during the activity process from the initial online introduction until now, there were many dynamics that occurred. As time goes by, it can be proven that Unud is able to become a recipient university by trying to serve and facilitate the best according to their abilities and students also prove that they provide the best for the institution.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja representing the Rector of Udayana University in his speech said that the presence of students from various universities has certainly led to positive interactions between students, between students and lecturers, exchanging experiences and adapting to each other, both in academic life on campus at Udayana University and in life. daily.

"Through this program, I am sure that student nationalism has been awakened, thereby strengthening national unity and integrity. Strengthening the sense of unity and oneness, attitudes of tolerance in diversity and strengthening each other are the expected goals of this program in creating a superior generation of Indonesian young people as future leader candidates," said the Vice Rector.

Through this opportunity, the party also appreciates and thanks the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Belmawa Directorate for giving Udayana University the opportunity to become PT PMM batch 3 and is ready to welcome batch 4 PMM students next February. The Vice Rector also believes that this program can fulfill and improve the quality of students' studies, can also provide valuable experience as a provision for pursuing life in the future, in addition to improving the academic atmosphere in order to encourage the realization of a Superior, Independent and Cultured Udayana University.

Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Diktristek, Kemendikbudristek, Prod. Sri Suning Kusumawardani on this occasion said that the Merdeka student exchange program was launched in 2021 with the aim of becoming a forum prepared to bring students closer to the diversity that Indonesia has. From this program we also encourage a big step in transformation where universities are not only places of learning limited by classroom walls but also meeting spaces where various languages, cultures and traditions from various parts of the archipelago can walk side by side and get to know each other and also implementation of the Indonesian archipelago module at Udayana University, which has always actively participated since the first batch of PMM and has now successfully completed the 3rd batch of PMM by accommodating 185 students so that they can meet each other to learn and understand the diversity framework of our nation.

This is in line with the vision of the PMM program which is designed as a forum for increasing competence while strengthening a sense of nationalism as well as national insight and love of the homeland by studying the diversity of culture, ethnic customs, languages ​​and the various potential wealth that Indonesia has.