Udayana University Swimming UKM Students Achieve Achievements at the 2023 Indonesia Open Aquatic Championship (IOAC)

Students who are members of the Student Activity Unit (UKM) Swimming at Udayana University (Unud) took part in the 2023 Indonesia Open Aquatic Championship (IOAC) Indonesia Competition which is also the Qualification Round for PON 2024 Aceh - North Sumatra, at the GBK Senayan Aquatic Stadium on 11 – 15 December 2023 .

Athlete from UKM Swimming Unud, I Komang Gede Mas Dekotama Putra (Faculty of Economics and Business) won a silver medal in the 100 meter freestyle event and a bronze medal in the 50 meter freestyle event. Another member of the Unud Swimming UKM, I Putu Fardeen Bagas Mahotama (Faculty of Engineering) managed to win a bronze medal in the 800 meter freestyle event.

The 2023 Indonesia Open Aquatic Championship (IOAC) event, which has the format of an inter-association swimming championship, is a "mandatory" annual calendar event carried out by the Indonesian Aquatics Executive Board as one of the "culmination points for the development of swimming sports achievements" where in this case the PERKUMPULAN is as " spearhead" ACHIEVEMENT coaching. This event is the FINAL Qualification Round for the 2024 PON swimming event.

Through this event, 3 members of UKM Swimming Unud, namely I Komang Gede Mas Dekotama Putra (Faculty of Economics and Business) and I Putu Fardeen Bagas Mahotama (Faculty of Engineering), together with Satria Andrew Tan (Faculty of Engineering) were declared as Bali Province Athletes who passed the BK PON XXI/2024, Aceh – North Sumatra in accordance with the Circular Letter of the General Chair of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Bali Province Number 646/KONI-Bali/XII/2023 and Number 649/KONI-BALI/XII/2023.