Printing History of Pemira Udayana University, Bawasra Unud 2023 Deducts 1,154 Valid Votes

Badung, 8 December 2023 - At the beginning of the determination of participants in the Udayana University (Unud) Student General Election (Pemira), the Unud General Election Supervisory Board (Bawasra) has prepared a draft declaration of the Pemira Peace campaign. The declaration includes 3 (three) important points, namely (1) Creating views that are immediately public, free, confidential, fair; (2) Carrying out an election campaign that is safe, orderly, peaceful, with integrity without hoaxes, without politicization of votes, and without money politics; and (3) Carrying out the 2023 Udayana University pemira campaign, based on applicable laws and regulations.

After reading the points of the declaration text, the executive opinion participants number 1 and 2 were asked not to reveal the negative side and focus on showing the good things about themselves. The declaration of the peace-thinking campaign is an important moment as a fellow Udayana University academic community and as a fellow executive-thinking participant.

"The campaign is an effort to convince voters to choose executive candidate participants based on the positive aspects and competitive advantages that each candidate has, whether the winning team or the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs for BEM PM Udayana University," said Constitutional Court Justice Dr. I Dewa Gede Palguna, S.H., M.Hum.

"The two pairs of executive candidate participants number 1 and 2 in 2023 have a close relationship because they have worked together in the same cabinet and for the same period. They consider each other to be friends, have a deep understanding of the programs being run, and have experience that overall shows active involvement in the Udayana University Student Government. In this way, teasing is definitely reduced a little because they know each other's weak points and strong points. "And most importantly, we believe that the presidential and vice presidential candidates have the same main intention, (namely) to maintain the peace of the Pewahyu Rakyat Campus and build the Island of the Gods and the beloved Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," continued Angelo Basario Marhaenis.

"During the quiet period, Bawasra Unud 2023 received 9 reports and 2 findings and rejected 1 report because it did not meet the evidence," said the secretary of Bawasra Unud 2023, Anak Agung Ari Laksmi.

"In the implementation of Udayana University's Pemira this year, on December 2 there was a report of alleged Pemira violations. Even though it was supposed to enter a period of calm and be a period that could not be used to carry out Pemira Campaign activities, on December 6 2023 there was a report received and received which was the beginning of a surge in Reports and Findings. On December 7, 2023, there were two Reports of Alleged Violations in Pemira and two Findings of Alleged Violations in Pemira. "Bawasra opened a complaint for the pemira process until 14.00 WITA, dated 8 December 2023 and a total of five cases and rejected one case," said Ahmad Ghifari Zakaria as Deputy Chair of Bawasra Unud 2023.

Results of the Decision of the Closed and Limited Session of Udayana University in 2023. In No. Case 005/P/Bawasra. Unud/XII/2023, regarding violations of Chapter Then No. Case 006/P/Bawasra.Unud/XII/2023, concerning violations of Chapter guilty of carrying out a campaign during the quiet period.

Pemira Participant Number 2 is responsible for the mistakes of Brothers Bagas Rahmad Dewanto and Jhon Lihardo Sipayung. The other cases were dropped because they were unable to provide evidence during the closed and limited Bawasra hearing.

The Open Plenary Meeting for Vote Counting and Determination of the 2023 Unud Election Winners held by KPRM coincided with World Anti-Corruption Day. The results of the calculation for executive observer participant number 1 (I Wayan Tresna Suwardiana and Ricardo Elim) had a total of 4,788 votes and executive observer participant number 2 (Ahmad Adi Suryono and Easter Toga) had a total of 3,206 votes. Following up on the decision of Bawasra Unud 2023, the number of votes obtained by executive observer participant number 2 was from 3,206 to 2,565 due to a 20 percent reduction in votes, then a 20 percent reduction in votes again from 2,565 to 2,052, so that the total reduction was 1,154 valid votes.